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A jolly German fellow tells us why he loves Shanghai so much. His whole life is in Shanghai, so he feels it's his second home.

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Our jolly host asks some of his Beijing friends how they feel about Shanghai foreigners. He also asks how someone can come to love a city they weren't born in.

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Our host continues to ask his Beijing friends why they think Beijing is better than Shanghai. Roz says that Beijing is better because the roads are easier to find.

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Our host, A Fu, asks Xiaobei what his ideal place to retire is. They also confront Jared in the Hall way about where his allegiances lie when it comes to the debate about which city is better, Beijing or Shanghai.

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A Fu finishes by asking a friend what they think about living in Shanghai. He says he can't stand the cold winter. We also meet A Fu's wife who explains that home is what is comfortable to you and where your parents are.

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