Chinese Art
126 Videos

Chinese art, the painting, calligraphy, architecture, pottery, sculpture, bronzes, jade carving, and other decorative art forms produced in China over the centuries.

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Our host introduces "500 strokes" the work of a Beijing artist. This piece incorporates 500 different single calligraphy brush strokes, each with it's own inspiration.

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The artist explains his works. He describes how all of the paintings he does are really just free form and they come from the heart.

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The artist based on the fact that young Japanese people who participated in his art project didn't take up most of the page when they were drawing, makes broad assumptions about Japanese society.

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The host puts the artists work in perspective and the artist tells us that we can never really understand ourselves until we project ourselves outwardly.

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Our host can't wait to try painting and she goes about choosing her ink. The artist describes the process that needs to be unlearned in order for us to let out what's truly in our hearts. We should disregard our training and just paint.

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After the host finishes her painting the artist interprets in in relation to her life. He tells her that her life will move in one particular direction but She will have some difficulty right in the middle. In this way his work becomes a type of fortune telling.

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The artist explains more of his life philosophy and our inherent contradictions.

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In the end our host gives us the message that we should try our best to change the things we can and not over think the things we can't change about ourselves.

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