Yummy Yummy
38 Videos

Showcasing the newest restaurants & eateries in town. Learn about food related vocabs.

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What creative rabbit dishes can come hopping your way in this Year of the Rabbit? Do you know the importance of the quality and standards of food? Let us show you one special example of a Japanese hot pot!

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Ever tried a radish hot pot? I wonder what that tastes like?!

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What's the secret in this delicious radish hot pot that the customers all rave about? Let us find our from the boss himself!

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How can you resist such adorable-looking desserts, inspired by the Year of the Rabbit?

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Chocolate and strawberry-flavored mousse cakes shaped like rabbits. Now that's something you must get for this Chinese New Year!

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Here are some tricks you can learn in order to make your own rabbit dim sum at home!

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Now, we have all heard of charcoal grilled fish. But, what about oven-baked charcoal grilled fish?!

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Let's enter into the chef's kitchen and find out what exactly goes into making this delicious fish!

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Learn all about why clay pot soup is tasty and also a great deal. It takes a long time to simmer and quantities are limited. Don't delay or it will be all gone!

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Cows listening to music, drinking beer and getting massages? Yep, you heard right! Check out how cows from Dalian, China can rival Wagyu cows from Japan.

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Learn what causes this beef to have that wonderful snowflake marbling. Isn't your mouth watering just looking at it?

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What did the fashionable grandma come up with? This creative new dish called "Red Days." So, what are the ingredients and why is it called that? Find out here.

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Want to learn how to cook this special dish by Auntie Xu? Take a look at this video!

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