Showing 63 of 63 videos
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Experts explain what foods can help us keep warm in the winter and which may cause excessive heat.

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Lydia teaches us how to talk about body parts in Chinese, about the head and face in particular.

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Lydia explains how to read the clock in Chinese with a few examples.

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Meet three underprivileged children from the countryside, all of whom share a love for reading.

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A very popular children's song with very simple vocabulary.

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There's a host of logistical issues to consider during the chaos Chinese New Year brings. Here's one most people overlook: parking your car. Check out these tips on how to prevent fireworks, thieves and car alarms from wreaking car-based holiday havoc.

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It's 2008 and the Olympics have arrived to Beijing. Experience the people's excitement.

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Nini learns that Tim is a music composer and Tim shares a song he created with her.

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The proper use of Mandarin Chinese greetings can pave the way for establishing good relationships. In this episode you'll learn some practical words about greetings in Chinese.

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On their first date, Tim asks Nini about her family background and life.

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Not a Common Day: It all starts with a simple greeting on a beautiful morning... Learn the vocabulary of a very basic introduction in this video.

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difficulty - Newbie Newbie

Nouns Animals

Introducing 30 kinds of animals in Mandarin. Include the most common kinds such as dog, cat, pig, chicken.

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How do the Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year? What are the special customs that one must learn? Let Mengjiao go through them with you!

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Since ancient times, hairy crab has always been the top delicacy in China, especially in the southeast region. Many people love eating hairy crab, but not everyone knows how to eat it correctly. Find out what the best way is to eat this delicious delicacy.

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Chinese wontons are the centerpiece of many Chinese meals. History and geography have given the wonton many different names and styles. Learn about them all in this video!

Showing 63 of 63 videos
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