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Chinese tea plays an important role in a Chinese family, within and beyond the shores of China. Pu'er tea is touted as a semi-rare tea. The most famous Pu'er tea is from the Yunnan Province in China. A good grade of Pu'er tea is expensive and its value increases with age. Learn all about the Pu'er tea, its varieties, grades, production, packaging, storage, etc., from this series of videos.

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We learn about the past and present of Fujian Fuken music, a Chinese music company that makes and distributes mix tapes, put on shows, etc.

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Why is it important to clean the chicken and make sure the head, feet and internal organs are removed?

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Why is it important to skim off the foam when your soup is boiling?

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How that you've finished making your chicken soup, how can you enjoy it?

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Not a Common Day: It all starts with a simple greeting on a beautiful morning... Learn the vocabulary of a very basic introduction in this video.

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On their first date, Tim asks Nini about her family background and life.

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Nini learns that Tim is a music composer and Tim shares a song he created with her.

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There are some confusing Chinese words which are difficult for language learners to distinguish. Watch and find out how to pronounce "Shu" and "Xu."

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There are some confusing Chinese words which are difficult for language learners to distinguish. Watch and find out how to pronounce "Chi" and "Qi."

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There are some confusing Chinese words which are difficult for language learners to distinguish. Watch and find out how to pronounce "Zhi" and "Ji."

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There are some confusing Chinese words which are difficult for language learners to distinguish. Watch and find out how to pronounce "Shi" and "She."

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There are some confusing Chinese words which are difficult for language learners to distinguish. Watch and find out how to pronounce "Zhao" and "Jiao."

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There are some confusing Chinese words which are difficult for language learners to distinguish. Watch and find out how to pronounce "Zhe" and "Zhi."

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difficulty - Newbie Newbie

Nouns Animals

Introducing 30 kinds of animals in Mandarin. Include the most common kinds such as dog, cat, pig, chicken.

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Find out what Eason Chan was like during his school years in the UK.

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Is Eason Chan's daughter a cheeky character like he is? Watch and find out!

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Khalil Fong, known as Fang Datong in China, is an American-born singer/songwriter with Chinese roots. He spent much of his childhood in China and Hong Kong where he developed as a musician. In this video, listen to his hit single, "Red Bean."

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Fang Da Tong's forte is his canny ability to arrange soft and layered melodies,combining a wide range of instruments and moods in one song. His latest album is a collection of catchy, melodic, mid-tempo soul and R&B portraying the many facets of love. Listen to this cute song about a very shy guy in love.

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The proper use of Mandarin Chinese greetings can pave the way for establishing good relationships. In this episode you'll learn some practical words about greetings in Chinese.

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