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This video introduces the basic parts of the guitar and what happens when you tighten or loosen its strings.

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Superstitious people might have you believe that disturbing a pharaoh's tomb will curse you to die. But, is there a scientific explanation behind this phenomenon?

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Chinese singer Han Hong talks about her stance on fur and why she loves dogs so much.

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This is the official trailer for the 2015 film, "Only You," directed by Zhang Hao.

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The Family Chronicles Oral History Photo and Video Project inspires young people to dig deep and learn about their family history.

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This is the movie trailer for the Guan Hu-directed 2015 movie, Mr. Six.

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A simple simulation shows that even a low-speed rear-end collision has the potential to cause severe injury for passengers without a safety cushion.

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If something is meant to be, then what is yours is yours.

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Cherish everything that you encountered, because you might never see it again.

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The joy of collecting comes from when someone can resonate with you through his/her work.

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Your collection can be anything that is meaningful to you.

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Sometimes you might need to give up what you love but then you can cherish it in another way.

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Collecting is hard. One must know how to pick out the classics that will last in order to be called a real "collector".

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Yao Chien is a famous lyricist in the Chinese music industry. This interview talks about his other hidden identity as a collector.

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The artist talks about how in his day conversation was more lively and people weren't looking at their phones all the time.

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The artist talks about how art progresses and how that progression has to move slowly.

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Find out how Eason Chan was influenced by his father, and how he managed to pull through the "incident."

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Eason Chan describes the scene then when he attended the court hearing of his father's case.

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Watch the smile on Eason Chan's face spread when he talks about his baby daughter!

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Eason Chan describes his goals in terms of his life and his concerts.

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Watch as Eason Chan teaches how to dine western style – and find out his secret to happiness!

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We'll learn about renowned Asian singer, Coco Lee, as she talks about herself and her family in the first of this eleven-part series.

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Coco Lee continues to share her life story, including details from her past and her parents' love story.

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As an adult, Coco shares stories about childhood, her education and her loving mother.

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Coco tells about her relationship with her two sisters.

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Coco discusses her unique relationship with her older sister who went from being an MBA student to Coco's makeup artist and manager and back to an MBA student!

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This video is an introduction to the origins and location of the Shaolin Temple, the center and origin of Shaolin kung fu.

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The video discusses the uniqueness of Shaolin kung fu's weapons as well as the importance of achieving Zen in practicing this mysterious martial art.

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Shaolin monks have travelled and performed around the world, bringing praise and attention to Shaolin kung fu.

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This video is an introduction to the art of the Wudang Sword and the life of Master Chen, a world-renowned martial artist.

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Those learning the sword may think of all the chivalry and heroic qualities associated with such, but further practice will lead to a deeper understanding of such notions.

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The sword is a symbol of the martial world and becoming one with the sword is the highest, most ideal state one can attain.

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Every art has its own peculiarity and, as an art, paper cutting has its own special way of representing reality through the eyes of the artist who is often observing the world from the most simple and natural point of view.

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In an interview, a Chinese artist reveals the beauty and labor that hide behind the incredible art of paper cutting, which has developed in China over centuries and is currently practiced by very few.

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A Chinese woman, well known for her mastery in the Chinese art of paper cutting, shows younger generations the secrets and tips to make a perfect piece of art.

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It is truly an amazing sight to watch a master cut intricate patterns with merely a pair of scissors and a piece of paper! Paper cutting is a traditional art form, which is still popular in China today. Watch how Ms. Ai, a master at paper cutting, continually expands her business and, at the same time, helps fellow women to earn extra income through paper cutting.

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