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This video discusses the care taken in the remodeling of South Luogu Lane in order to preserve the charm of the ancient capital while also providing new tourist attractions and modern conveniences for its residents.

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Annie recalls when she decided to begin her working life in Shanghai.

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difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate

Tang King Shanghai Shanghai

Tang King, an up-and-coming rapper in the developing Shanghai rap scene, raps about his city. The refrain "better city, better life" was the slogan of the Shanghai 2010 World Expo.

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This video details the history of Christianity in China, namely the influential figures, Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi.

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Emperor Kangxi played a major role in introducing Christianity into China.

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The story behind this idiom about deception comes from one of the most famous and fabled chapters in Chinese history, the much-dramatized rivalry between Xiang Yu and Liu Bang. After both generals helped to bring down the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Yu divided China into 18 kingdoms, taking vast, fertile territory for himself and giving Liu Bang remote, mountainous land.

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Where does the term "Tui Qiao" (literally to "Push and knock") come from?

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By chance, Jia Dao meets a scholar who convinces him to aspire to a bureaucratic position.

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China is full of pet markets. In this video, see one for yourself—and learn a little about the linguistic and cultural aspects of fish, insects, and bunnies.

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Hardware, software and the Internet: Learn everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask about computers.

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As some Chinese get richer, many look overseas to invest in property. This news segment looks at the Australian real estate market with commentary from the author of a popular book called "Being a Chinese Property Owner in Australia."

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An analysis of buying property in Australia continues with an in-depth look at Australia's low property tax and generous loan structure.

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With exploding consumer demand for cars, major Chinese cities have monthly quotas restricting the number of new cars allowed on the roads, forcing the price of license plates to soar. Watch this news segment to find out just how expensive it is to be a new car driver in Shanghai.

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A cautionary tale featuring some of China's biggest internet companies. In the space of just five days, over 200 people were swindled in what is essentially the Nigerian Prince scam with Chinese characteristics.

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The scamming industry is China's most profitable, cheating the Chinese of hundreds of billions each year.

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Foreign trade scammers are another type of scammer out to victimize small businesses nationwide.

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Bureaucrat scammers are out to prey on the unsuspecting with promises of wealth and prominence to those who believe them.

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Text message scams are running rampant in China. Scammers are using all sorts of tactics to cheat victims of their money.

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Find out why Europe is set to become an investment-worthy country next year.

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Europe is set to become an investment-priority country in 2014 with asset allocation to be focused towards developed countries' surplus of emerging markets.

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In anticipation of the 2015 CCTV Chinese New Year's Eve Festival Gala, various vendors have emerged online claiming to be selling tickets to the show. Can they be trusted?

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