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The Chinese characters for animals oftentimes look like the animals themselves.

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As a pictographic language, Chinese characters often look like the objects they represent.

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If you look at the character for elephant, one might see a representation of the elephant with a long trunk, four legs and a tail. This is why Chinese is known as a "pictographic" language.

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In the Chinese language, you can combine characters together to form a different word.

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This video talks about the Chinese words for plants.

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If you look at the characters related to plants, you will notice that most of them contain the "tree" or "grass" radicals.

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This video teaches you how to say the names of some musical instruments.

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This video teaches you how to say the names of some sports and hobbies.

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We begin a guided mediation. First, we should breath and relax.

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In part 2 of our guided meditation we imagine our ideal morning.

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in our guided meditation we imagine what it is we want to do today.

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In this video we are asked to imagine our perfect life and all the thing's that accompany that.

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In our guided meditation we take a vow to have an amazing day.

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Our guided meditation comes to a close with a positive outlook on the day a head.

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difficulty - Beginner Beginner

S.H.E. Superstar

S.H.E. is a Taiwanese girl group and "Superstar" is the hit single from their 2003 album of the same name. The lyrics are fun and repetitive, so this song is a good one to learn for karaoke.

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With Mom not around, the family is having a hard time adjusting to their new morning routine - especially the kids.

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The kids leave for school, but with Mom gone and with Dad rushing off to work, they'll have to make the journey themselves.

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The kids make their way to school, but it appears as though they may be taking the long way. Meanwhile, their teacher wonders why they're always late for class.

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The kids are hard at work in class, and although their teachers know what's going on, there's little they can do. Meanwhile, Dad is hard at work at the factory.

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China is a fast-changing place. New buildings go up, and old ones are torn down. On their way home from school, the kids are surrounded by these changes and it makes them reflect on the future of their own home.

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It's snack time at home and the kids are feeding themselves - they've even become accustomed to practicing piano on their own.

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As the kids wait for Dad to return home from work, it's up to big sister to not let younger brother worry. If there were an accident, surely Daddy's company would call - right?

Showing 96 of 451 videos
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