Showing 456 of 545 videos
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Gao You si finishes up the day and gets to counting his money. upon counting it all up he realizes he's made substantial gains and as he has promised he sends the money he made to his fans. The boss informs him that he calculated the money incorrectly, because he didn't count the cost. The boss says either way every month they pull in close to 50000 rmb.

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Our host learns what the responsibilities are for running an internet cafe. The responsibilities include making drinks, cleaning computers, and staying up all night.

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Our host helps customers with their equipment and learns to make drinks and prepare food for the customers.

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Our host talks to a gamer about his experiences attending gaming competitions.

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Our host and his coworker have to be on duty all night till 9 in the morning. Our host sees that the middle of the night is when the internet cafe really comes alive.

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Our host talks to a woman who is going to meet up with her online gaming friends, friends she's never met in real life. Once the business dies down a bit, our host and the boss play some games together.

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Our host is getting sleepy as the night continues. He talks to a high schooler who's at the internet cafe very late. The high schooler talks to the host about his family situation and how he comes to the internet cafe to listen to music and get away from it all.

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Our host barely makes it through the night as even the early morning customers start to come in. He expresses his thanks to the boss and the staff and sums up his new understanding of the world of internet cafes in China.

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This video details the history of Christianity in China, namely the influential figures, Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi.

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Emperor Kangxi played a major role in introducing Christianity into China.

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When do women start becoming afraid to admit their true age?

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Xiaolu explains why you shouldn't have to hide the truth about your age.

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Yoga instructor Chen Zhe'nan shares his story and what success truly is.

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The story of a different "fuerdai" (literally, "rich second generation" or the children of the nouveau riche): It all started with the popular messaging app, WeChat.

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The "different fuerdai" talks about how he started his business of selling cold noodles.

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While vegetarianism is not for everyone, the Green Kitchen is a place where one can experience vegetarian cuisine.

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The dining table can be considered a platform for people to communicate. What do you talk about at the dining table?

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The Green Kitchen provides a feeling of being home, allowing you to open your heart and speak about how you feel.

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As office sharing becomes more popular, it changes how things are done. Imagine yourself co-working with individuals from different sectors. It just might bring more creativity into your project.

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This new mode of partnership will drive more creative ideas and bring innovation to the world.

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To waste or not to waste: that is the question.

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There is more than one way to solve a problem. Look at things from different perspectives and maybe you'll be able to come up with even better solutions.

Showing 456 of 545 videos
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