Showing 72 of 146 videos
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Our guru describes the benefits gleaned from meditating, the key insight being that meditation helps you consciously face life.

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Our guru begins to describe the ways in which we can meditate.

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In this video our guru tells us about the importance of breathing. Breathing is at the heart of all meditation.

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This video outlines how by taking time out of your day just to sit and breath you'll feel much healthier.

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In this video our host explains the second type of meditating which involves feeling all the feelings of your body.

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Our guru explains that by focusing on our body as a whole during meditation, we are doing the highest form of self love.

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The third type of meditation she describes in focusing on a particular thing.

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In this video our guru begins to describe the practice of sitting and pondering.

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Our guru explains that by day dreaming, we are able to tap into our unconscious minds.

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The head of the household sets the rules of the house.

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In order to maintain a good relationship, both parties must try to understand one another.

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Cherish every relationship that you have. If not, you might regret it later.

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The true meaning of family and home is to spend time with one another.

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Family is very important and takes time and effort to maintain.

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Companies offering private cars and carpooling options are posing a very real threat to the taxi industry.

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Taxi drivers aren't happy with the advent of private cars, but it's hard to blame passengers for making the switch.

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The prevalence of private cars has led the government to take its own measures.

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Who's to blame for the fall of the taxi?

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In this episode of The 25th Hour, we first meet 82-year-old Wu Ren Di who is looking for love in his native Shanghai.

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82-year-old Wu Ren Di was married for over 40 years before his wife passed away in 2001.

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Even in retirement, Mister Wu keeps busy with stock trading.

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After his first marriage, 82-year-old Wu Ren Di had a short-lived marriage of four months.

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Divorced for a decade, Ying met the love of her life at a singles salon.

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Ying had no choice but to leave her boyfriend of four years after his daughter did not approve of their decision to get married.

Showing 72 of 146 videos
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