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The beauty of driftwood is its unexpected outcomes.

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The wood's color also has a great effect on its art.

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Finding something that one truly loves brings happiness to one's life.

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In the eye of one photographer, everyone should have a self-portrait, which could portray a colorful stage in his or her life or his or her life as a whole.

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Everyone has has his or her own story and the purpose of each portrait is to represent it.

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A good portrait of a person must contain his or her soul.

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China's first statues did not come from the popular Song or Tang dynasties. Yi Gongzi explains.

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Yi Gongzi describes the chaos and turmoil of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.

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Yi Gongzi tells the tale of Xiaoming and how he discovered an important find during the Northern Qi Dynasty.

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Why does the statue of Buddha suddenly bring calmness to those who have experienced suffering?

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How do the Buddha statues from the Northern Qi Dynasty compare with those from the Northern Wei Dynasty?

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Yi Gongzi explains how the face of the Buddha can show us what the deepest state of calmness and relaxation looks like.

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Yi Gongzi explains the meaning of the Buddha's expression of complete acceptance.

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A victim of domestic violence explains how she met her eventual abuser.

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A domestic abuse victim details the story of her unintended pregnancy with her then boyfriend.

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Shortly after her abortion, a young woman experiences rape at the hands of her boyfriend.

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A victim of domestic violence eventually forces herself into a doomed marriage.

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A victim of domestic abuse has advice for those in a similar situation.

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An author and documentary filmmaker Laoji believes the only thing you should do as a kid is play. His son Simba has always longed to see the polar bears. One day Laoji and his family embark on a journey others only dream about.

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At a young age, Simba's father took him out of school to travel. The education he received traveling hardly compares to what he could learn in the classroom. Languages, social skills, adapting to new environments these are all skills that can be developed outside of the classroom.

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Traveling with his child is an incredible experience for Simba's father. There is nothing more he would rather do than watch his son grow up by his side. For children, getting out and seeing the world is important to their growth and development.

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