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Gong De Lin is a vegetarian restaurant that was found by the Jian brothers in Shanghai in 1922.

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Over the years, Gong De Lin became a representation of the vegetarian culture in China.

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Pine nut Wealthy Fish is a famous dish in Gong De Lin. Not only that it is hard to make, it is also comparable to the famous Shanghai dish of Pine nut Yellow Croaker.

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With the development of technology, soy bean fiber is used to make vegetarian food, which enrich the taste and texture of a vegetarian meal.

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Not only that it is delicious, the vegetarian meal is also very meaningful.

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For an early age you could tell my grandmother was different. She was precocious and beautiful. An artist, a spy and a beauty her life was a whirlwind.

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My grandmother was not one to sit back in times of turmoil. She was politically active and performed across the country promoting Nationalism. Her courageousness even lead her to be detained by the Japanese.

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My impressions of my grandma were mostly based on pictures we exchanged in letters. Her beauty and style influenced me a lot when I was younger.

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Grandmother always took great care in her appearance and she expected the same from us. Red nail polish, makeup, earrings were an important part of her daily routine even into her later years.

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A young couple is facing the problem of where to go celebrate Chinese New Year since both of them want to avoid being asked difficult questions by their own parents.

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As the couple debates where to go to celebrate the New Year, the woman's father unexpectedly shows up with a plan to uncover the lies she's been telling him about her career.

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With the help of a distant relative, the father is determined to discover the truth about his daughter's career.

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As the conversation progresses, the young woman is put to the test and asked a lot of difficult questions by her father and his accomplice.

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Looking for ways to get his daughter to tell the truth, the father and his accomplice start asking her to reconcile quite impossible situations.

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As she is faced with the first difficult situation to solve, the daughter is forced to lie once again and the ice just gets thinner and thinner.

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As she faces more and more difficult requests, her lies get more and more elaborate.

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As the situation evolves to the point where the daughter cannot lie anymore, is there anything she can do to get herself out of it?

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The moment of truth is coming closer as the lies keep building up. This time, there will be no way out.

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The truth is finally unveiled and the daughter explains to her father what her life is like.

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As the truth is revealed, the daughter discovers that the situation is nothing like she imagined.

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Shen Teng's father-in-law is about to undergo surgery. A dilemma ensues.

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Doctor Liu, a man of principle, refuses to accept bribes disguised as red envelopes.

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Doctor Liu finally relents and takes the red envelope from Shen Teng.

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Shen Teng realizes the mistake he just made.

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