Showing 24 of 88 videos
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Our guru describes the benefits gleaned from meditating, the key insight being that meditation helps you consciously face life.

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Our guru begins to describe the ways in which we can meditate.

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In this video our guru tells us about the importance of breathing. Breathing is at the heart of all meditation.

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This video outlines how by taking time out of your day just to sit and breath you'll feel much healthier.

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In this video our host explains the second type of meditating which involves feeling all the feelings of your body.

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Our guru explains that by focusing on our body as a whole during meditation, we are doing the highest form of self love.

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The third type of meditation she describes in focusing on a particular thing.

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In this video our guru begins to describe the practice of sitting and pondering.

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Our guru explains that by day dreaming, we are able to tap into our unconscious minds.

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To test the effectiveness of anti-mosquito lamps on mosquitoes, we'll first need some mosquitoes.

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Just how effective are anti-mosquito lamps in a room full of mosquitos?

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How do anti-mosquito lamps fare with human flesh in the room?

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In this experiment, PM2.5 and carbon monoxide levels in a room are tested before and after the lighting of a cigarette.

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How serious is the pollution caused from smoking two cigarettes in a row?

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Cigarette smoke and car exhaust go head to head in carbon monoxide and air pollution level comparisons.

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A car is pulled into a closed garage. What will be the effects of air pollution?

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What are the PM2.5 and carbon monoxide levels for a cigarette smoked inside a car?

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An experiment to prove or disprove the combustibility of flour is upgraded to include more contact between flour and air.

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An upgraded version of the experiment to prove or disprove the combustibility of flour quickly turns into a dangerous situation.

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The effects of powder explosions can be devastating.

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Hunan University's Formula SAE racing team is the first such university team in the country. It is a long process to build the race car for the competition and, the team's leader will tell you how it's done.

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It takes a lot of effort to build a car, and although the team faces many hardships, they will overcome them in the end.

Showing 24 of 88 videos
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