Showing 1584 of 2007 videos
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This is the business version of "The X Factor." See contestants compete with each other to win their dream job as they make their way through various rounds and try to win the favor of the judges.

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The series of coincidences that led to the true value of the urn being discovered are revealed.

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This tells the story of how a young couple struggled to survive in the forest after fleeing a life of monogamy. However, after discovering honey and relying on each other for survival, they soon understood what true love was and lived a happy life together. It is said to be part of the history of Chinese wedding and honeymoon customs. Part 5 of 5.

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In October, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River area officially enter the fall. In the Hubei Province, the water level begins to decline in the lakes near the Yangtze River. This natural phenomena creates an opportunity for people to take a close look at the bottom of the lake and brings us a delicious delicacy.

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I love taking baths. They make my skin so nice! I have so much fun with turtles, mermaids and submarines in my bathtub. Who doesn't love taking baths?

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The wily vendor has duped the inspector for long enough now. His act is beginning to fall apart and his luck is running out.

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Have you ever woken up feeling as if you hadn't slept at all? It may be because you're lacking in deep sleep. But no worries- this video will teach you how to sleep soundly. All you have to do is shave off your hair and take a vow of silence!

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This tells the story of how the Yellow Emperor's idea to end communal marriage was initially met with resistance and how one couple decided to flee instead of live a life of monogamy. However, after becoming lost in a huge forest, they found they had to rely on each other to survive. Part 4 of 5.

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The rogue lamb skewer hawker's act is starting to wear thin with an increasingly frustrated inspector. Luckily, he's saved when his dodgy meat comes to the rescue.

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Meijia encouraged Guan Gu to pick up where he left off, to continue to draw the comic book, "Three-Legged Cat." Meanwhile, Zhan Bo is about to start his big night out with Wan Yu.

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Do you know whether ginger grows on the ground or in a tree? Unfortunately for the man in this video, neither does he.

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The idiom "bu dong zhuang dong" is used to describe someone who pretends to know about something, but is, in fact, clueless. In this video, a man often "bu dong zhuang dong" in order to look smart. Unfortunately, he only adds to his embarrassment when he is found out.

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Shui Jiao, which today simply means "to sleep," actually had a much deeper meaning in ancient times. After all, sleeping also includes dreaming, which can have a powerful effect on our minds, even leading to great discoveries!

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Having already filled his team of 14, Coach Yang Kun gets to enjoy the show along with the audience. Take a look back at the contestants he snagged. Plus, a single mother delivers a moving performance for her daughter.

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Lodging a complaint: Is it a new way to avoid paying bank fees?

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Shu Jiang has been making ham for ten years, but he's still not as good as his father. What are the tricks to make good hams? When the weather is humid enough, do those hams go mouldy?

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What makes Nuodeng salt the best option for ham-making? How is Nuodeng ham made and what's the best way to enjoy it?

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The enterprising but fraudulent lamb skewer vendor keeps up his charade, pretending not to know enough Mandarin to understand the inspector when he requests to see the man's business license.

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The astronomical cost of buying a home is one the biggest gripes for many Chinese people. However, the cost of buying a home after one's death may be even more prohibitive. This news report details this new trend of daylight grave robbery.

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The importance of sleep and meditation is analyzed, citing a proverb from Zeng Guofan, a famous military general and scholar.

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More on contemporary Chinese attitudes toward love and marriage, including how those views changed in response to a controversial 2011 marriage law and the Japanese earthquake. There's now a new realization that home ownership is not the most important prerequisite for tying the knot.

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Didn't love used to be simpler? This video certainly thinks so. With rising incomes and living standards comes rising expectations when it comes to finding "The One." This video looks at the importance of money in the marriage fortunes of Chinese men.

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The skit continues with the lamb skewer hawker pretending to be a Uyghur- the ethnic minority associated with his culinary product- to fool the inspector. The only problem is, he knows nothing about his fake homeland, the far western region of Xinjiang.

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This classic comedy sketch from the 1986 New Year's Eve Gala features a wily, unlicensed lamb skewer vendor trying to get out of paying a fine.

Showing 1584 of 2007 videos
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