Showing 192 of 1204 videos
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The Voice of China contestant, Tan Weiwei, performs a cover of Emil Chau's "Storyteller."

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This is the official trailer for the 2015 film, "Only You," directed by Zhang Hao.

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The Family Chronicles Oral History Photo and Video Project inspires young people to dig deep and learn about their family history.

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The Family Chronicles project gives young people the chance to create their own legacy.

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Jiao Shou Yi Xiao Xing gives up a stable career, moving to Beijing to start over.

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The road to "Never Thought of That" was not without its challenges.

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"Never Thought of That" is about to debut. Let's dream together.

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This is the movie trailer for the Guan Hu-directed 2015 movie, Mr. Six.

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"The Waiting" is a short film about life in the big city for one unfortunate Chinese family. In part one, let yourselves be introduced to the characters and their story.

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November's economic data was released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China this morning including the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Producer Price Index (PPI) as well as data about investment, consumption and other important indicators.

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A weather forecast from Japan's NHK 8 channel that involves heavy snow, a storm and possible tornadoes. Watch the video and learn some useful weather terms.

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Find out how much would the bank charge for 5 cents loan for 5 years.

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Lodging a complaint: Is it a new way to avoid paying bank fees?

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This informative video talks about the public launch of a new type of credit card designed specifically for business travelers.

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Wealthy Chinese are notoriously fond of buying property overseas and of sending their kids to university abroad. The mother in this news story is an extreme example of these two trends.

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Learn about the large, expensive, yet increasingly popular Tibetan mastiff.

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Delayed retirement is set to become a trend in China. But what factors need to be considered?

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E-commerce is a rapidly growing sector of the Chinese economy as consumers increasingly turn to the internet to find cheap goods. Now, the government wants to start taxing the sector, which businesses say means prices will increase.

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Find out some tricks that pharmacies utilize to try to sell medicine.

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The much-anticipated "smart glasses" from Google were unveiled by Sergey Brin at Google's I/O Conference. This news item looks at what exciting features we can expect from the Google Glass when it goes on sale this year.

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The astronomical cost of buying a home is one the biggest gripes for many Chinese people. However, the cost of buying a home after one's death may be even more prohibitive. This news report details this new trend of daylight grave robbery.

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This video explains a new vegetable delivery service in Changshu.

Showing 192 of 1204 videos
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