Showing 168 of 450 videos
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The cabbie's daughter shares her aspirations of being a Dumpling cook.

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The cabbie reflects on her mother's advice verses what she chose to do with her life.

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A Lian Lian Pay employee details his morning routine while in quarantine.

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A Lian Lian Pay employee picks up his groceries during quarantine.

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A Lian Lian Pay employee has a message for its customers during this difficult time.

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What kinds of challenges are women facing?

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What does it mean for a woman to live the life that she wants?

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How should we as women live out our own beauty?

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Xue Haiyu explains the origins of Xiaoguan Tea.

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Enjoy the ingenious pairing of tea and zongzi with Xiaoguan Tea.

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The mastery of Japanese tea follows the same values as Unif.

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As we get older, we may forget our memories, but we don't forget love.

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What happens when you leave your business unsupervised?

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My father traveled outside his hometown for the first time.

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Without a word, my father came looking for me.

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Watch as a man pops the question to his girlfriend in public in front of hundreds of people. Will she say yes?

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Love is like petals falling in the sky.
Happiness is around the corner.
By looking in your eyes, I knew you are already a part of my life.

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Gao Shan, the eighteen-year-old American boy, loves writing songs, singing, playing guitar and learning Chinese. He is good at covering Jay Chow and Leehom Wang’s songs while his voice is very similar to Leehom’s. His Chinese songs have been warmly received by Chinese netizens.

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When Clay Garner takes the stage, people are simply amazed: a soothing voice and an arsenal of incredible songs and yet- this singer/songwriter is ONLY eighteen years old!

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