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Who will be the lucky winner this week? What will the prize and the punishment be? Find out in this video!

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Let see what punishment is in store for this week's loser on "The Gym"!

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Allen introduces the team to Spinning

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The team continues its Spinning course and Wang Guanquan keeps us up to date on what he's been up to recently.

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Wang Junshang becomes the subject of gossip and Wang Guanshang tries to find out if the guest he took to dinner was his girlfriend.

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It's time for the third assessment and Zhou Lisha tries her best to come up with an excuse for why she hasn't been coming to the gym.

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Zhou Lisha and Xue Xinyue do their best to come up with excuses for their poor performance and we find out what the prize is for the winner.

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The losers of the assessment have to make ice cream for the rest of the team.

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With Mom not around, the family is having a hard time adjusting to their new morning routine - especially the kids.

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The kids leave for school, but with Mom gone and with Dad rushing off to work, they'll have to make the journey themselves.

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The kids make their way to school, but it appears as though they may be taking the long way. Meanwhile, their teacher wonders why they're always late for class.

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The kids are hard at work in class, and although their teachers know what's going on, there's little they can do. Meanwhile, Dad is hard at work at the factory.

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China is a fast-changing place. New buildings go up, and old ones are torn down. On their way home from school, the kids are surrounded by these changes and it makes them reflect on the future of their own home.

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It's snack time at home and the kids are feeding themselves - they've even become accustomed to practicing piano on their own.

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As the kids wait for Dad to return home from work, it's up to big sister to not let younger brother worry. If there were an accident, surely Daddy's company would call - right?

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See how this short film, "The Waiting," closes. With the kids waiting at home and a stressed, bereaved father on his way back from work, will everything turn out for the best?

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A highlight of Chinese food markets is the large amount of fresh, delicious, and affordable fruit. Check out this video and learn how to buy fruit in China!

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Shanghai's Yu Garden is a must-see for any visitor to the city. In this video, check out not only the garden itself, but also the the very Shanghainese area around it as well.

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This well-known story commonly used to educate children on the values of courtesy and fraternal love involves four-year-old Kong Rong giving up some larger pears to his older and younger brothers. Still employed in current times, this text has been used for elementary education since the Song Dynasty.

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The Chinese idiom, "San Xin Er Yi," literally means, "Three hearts, two thoughts." It can be used to describe someone who splits his energy between many things instead of focusing on one task at a time. The simple vocabulary in this video gives an example of "San Xin Er Yi."

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This idiom is used as a metaphor for the punishment of a person to alert others to correct their behavior.

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Hear the story from which the saying, "Hun Shui Mo Yu" came about. It means to take advantage of a chaotic time or deliberately create confusion to obtain benefits.

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This Chinese idiom advises people not to give up halfway through or leave something unfinished.

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"Shou Zhu Dai Tu" means, "Sitting by a stump, waiting for a careless rabbit to hit the stump." Originally, it referred to the routineer in an ironic way. Later, the metaphor came to mean one does not take the initiative to work hard and wants to get a windfall.

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