Showing 120 of 447 videos
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Allen introduces the team to Spinning

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The team continues its Spinning course and Wang Guanquan keeps us up to date on what he's been up to recently.

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Wang Junshang becomes the subject of gossip and Wang Guanshang tries to find out if the guest he took to dinner was his girlfriend.

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It's time for the third assessment and Zhou Lisha tries her best to come up with an excuse for why she hasn't been coming to the gym.

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Zhou Lisha and Xue Xinyue do their best to come up with excuses for their poor performance and we find out what the prize is for the winner.

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The losers of the assessment have to make ice cream for the rest of the team.

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Ever wonder where the moves from hip hop dancing come from?

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For love, I'm willing to sleep deeply forevermore.

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It's 2008 and the Olympics have arrived to Beijing. Experience the people's excitement.

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Learn more about the clouds that produce hailstones and how they are formed in this informative yet simple video.

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Ever wondered why there aren't any black or green flowers out there? Find out why in this video!

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Have you ever thought about spending all those years to get a PhD only to become a farmer?

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The concept of farming in China is quite different than farming in America.

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It's the direction that matters, so don't speed through things. Take them step by step and enjoy the process.

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Uncle Lin has spent half his life accumulating beautiful land in Xinzhu, Taiwan. The architect that designed his house explains the geography of his beautiful track of land and how the architecture fits nicely within it.

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Uncle Lin's architect explains the first section of the house. It is wonderfully and uniquely designed to compliment the surrounding scenery.

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Uncle Lin's architect explains the gorgeous guest section of the house. it's separate and secluded for comfort. It's finishing touch is the beautiful courtyard in view of the bathtub. He also explains the main living area.

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Uncle Lin's architect explains the master bedroom. He explains that architecturally he's employed techniques to maximize the connection between the indoor and outdoor spaces while maintaining privacy. Though the home is split in 4 sections, it holds together as a home.

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the architect explains how he's intentionally tried to blend the concept of indoor and outdoor spaces. He explains the true beauty of the home is in the spaces that connect these two worlds. Every window has a view of a different beautiful scenery.

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This film reveals some negative phenomena in our society. How should we treat our parents when they grow old? What do they really need? Is it just money, or loved ones to spend time with them?

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A very touching film with a sadly beautiful score and important message: You can't turn back time. Please cherish the people you love because you can't make up for it when it's gone.

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What would you do if you had a mom who acted like a spoiled kid?

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Have you ever been jealous because your parents treat your dog better than they treat you?

Showing 120 of 447 videos
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