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This video outlines how by taking time out of your day just to sit and breath you'll feel much healthier.

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In this video our host explains the second type of meditating which involves feeling all the feelings of your body.

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Our guru explains that by focusing on our body as a whole during meditation, we are doing the highest form of self love.

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The third type of meditation she describes in focusing on a particular thing.

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In this video our guru begins to describe the practice of sitting and pondering.

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Our guru explains that by day dreaming, we are able to tap into our unconscious minds.

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The head of the household sets the rules of the house.

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In order to maintain a good relationship, both parties must try to understand one another.

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Cherish every relationship that you have. If not, you might regret it later.

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The true meaning of family and home is to spend time with one another.

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Family is very important and takes time and effort to maintain.

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Experience China's version of the singing competition where four celebrity coaches choose their teams based on voice alone without being able to see the singers. It's the last round of the blind auditions as the coaches fight to get the best singers on their teams.

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The judges of The Voice of China stand together in support of the Laoqiang music group from Huayin.

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Learn about the Chinese naming system and some of the issues concerning names that are being encountered today.

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Learn about the Chinese naming system: there's a method to the madness!

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The Chinese naming system is very complex. It follows precise rules, stating the differences between a person's last name, given name and courtesy name. In particular, the difference between the last two is strictly connected with the rituals that used to bring a child from childhood into adulthood in ancient China.

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Chinese last names worked in a different way in the past than they do now. Chinese children used to get their mother's last name. That is because Chinese ancient society was matriarchal and divided into clans.

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Through a detailed report of the Zhou Dynasty's history, we discover how the Chinese last name system worked and what has changed over the years and become today's practice.

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This interesting discussion on the origins of Chinese last names and clan names shows how the tradition has evolved from the matriarchal to the patriarchal practice.

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This interesting discussion on the origins of Chinese last names and clan names shows how the tradition has evolved from the matriarchal to the patriarchal practice.

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This interesting discussion on the origins of Chinese last names and clan names shows how the tradition has evolved from the matriarchal to the patriarchal practice. This segment explores a few common family names- their origins, whether they were last or clan names, etc.

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This interesting discussion on the origins of Chinese last names and clan names shows how the tradition has evolved from the matriarchal to the patriarchal practice. This segment looks into the selection of Chinese names. How can one find a good name with strong virtue?

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This interesting discussion on the origins of Chinese last names and clan names shows how the tradition has evolved from the matriarchal to the patriarchal practice. This segment continues to explore Chinese names with specific attention on Jia Bao Yu, a character in the Hong Lou Meng movie.

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Master Tang Han explains the importance of character meaning as well as character tone when giving names and how to revise a problematic name.

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