Showing 96 of 346 videos
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Can you imagine not using anything plastic related for a whole week? Doing so may actually be much harder than you think!

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Ordering takeout while trying to eliminate one's use of plastic is no easy task.

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Even though we are taught that we should separate plastics so that we can recycle them, in reality, not all plastics are recyclable.

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It's very sad to see what we humans are doing to the Earth. Little things can accumulate and turn into big problems.

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Some countries have tried to reduce waste production by reducing the number of trashcans. Perhaps this would be a more effective method if people did not just throw trash onto the street.

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Although it's probably impossible to eliminate plastic use completely, we should try our best to contribute to helping save the environment.

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People often say that we should not judge a person by his or her appearance, but what is the real definition of beautiful?

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Everyone has a different perception of what's beautiful. One may be a ten to one person, but a one to another person. So, what do you think your score would be?

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How do you know when a girl likes you? Do you know any of the signs?

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In this first of an interview series with a Chinese medicine expert, listen to her discuss the terminology used concerning Chinese, Western, and modern medicine in general.

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In this second video in a series with a Chinese medicine expert, our interviewee goes on to discuss the history of medicine, her own experiences at the hospital as a child, and her move from the world of literature into Chinese medicine.

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This video is a demonstration of acupoint selection.

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The host has some fun with acupuncture and the guest's needles are eventually removed.

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Acupuncturist Mr. He only needs to insert a needle into one spot to treat a case of knee joint pain. Where will it be?

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This video explains the origin of the term, "Windy Mansion."

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This video demonstrates acupuncture insertion into the "Windy Mansion" acupoint.

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Just like many things, acupuncture is about quality, not quantity.

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This video introduces another acupoint, the "Chungwan," further supporting the principle that "All it takes is one needle."

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Mastering the use of the acupoints takes decades of practice.

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In this first of a 15-part series about supply and demand, consumption, global markets, gas prices, oil - and much more - listen to an international panel of experts weigh in on the issues.

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In this second video of a series about oil, supply and demand, consumption, and global markets, listen to our guests talk about how they see the rising price of gasoline affecting people's daily lives.

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As an only recent mass consumer of oil, how has China been affected by the oil crises of the past? In this third video in a series about oil, supply and demand, consumption, and global markets, listen to our experts weigh in on China's role in how these crises have played out.

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What do our experts think caused the world's current oil crisis? Find out as they each respond to the question in this fourth video in our series about oil, supply and demand, consumption, and global markets

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Listen to an international panel of experts weigh in on the issues in this fifth video of a series about supply and demand, consumption, global markets, gas prices, oil and much more.

Showing 96 of 346 videos
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