Showing 177 of 177 videos
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Now it's the time to pack your winter clothes away since spring is coming.

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The handy sentence in learning Chinese is "what's this called in Chinese?"

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"Cover in spring and cool off in autumn" helps your body to better adapt to the new season's temperature.

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Older people are scared of getting cold while the younger generation is scared of getting hot.

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Mai Miao and Susan tried to avoid wearing to many layers by sending their winter clothes to the laundromat but of course that didn't work out.

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To make something past tense in Chinese is very simple. Just add "le" at the end and the sentence is now past tense.

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Mai Miao and Susan don't want to take the down jackets with them but uncle and aunt insist. What should they do now?

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The elderly are wise so you should listen to their advice. Or else, you will be like Susan and Mai Miao.

Showing 177 of 177 videos
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