Showing 168 of 177 videos
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Learn the story behind the idiom, "A third party benefits from a tussle."

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A grizzly tale of a mysterious series of murders in Qing-era Guangdong gives us a saying which means "an absence of justice." This video explains the origins of the phrase and breaks down its meaning character by character.

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This Eastern Han-era story of a principled man who turned down a duke's invitation is the origin of an expression which means "to flatter and suck up to."

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Never look down on someone who is not as good as you in some areas. Here's why.

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Learn how the story of two impostors inspired the idiom, "To catch a turtle in a jar" (To go after easy prey).

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Learn how a trusting shepherd inspired the idiom, "To usher the wolf into the house" (To ask for trouble).

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Learn about some invaluable negotiation techniques for the business world.

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Learn 12 essential negotiation tactics for the business world- and some tips on how to deal with different negotiation counterparts.

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Handy tips on how to conduct business negotiations are continued with the importance of establishing good relationships, not revealing too much too soon and having breadth and depth of knowledge and a good memory.

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Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. When was the last time you went to your yoga class?

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One, two , three, four, five. Are you feeling that stretch in your body?

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Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Let's do the downward dog position.

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Lydia teaches us how to talk about body parts in Chinese, about the head and face in particular.

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Lydia teaches us the weekdays, the seasons and the months in Chinese.

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Lydia explains how to read the clock in Chinese with a few examples.

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The proper use of Mandarin Chinese greetings can pave the way for establishing good relationships. In this episode you'll learn some practical words about greetings in Chinese.

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difficulty - Newbie Newbie

Nouns Animals

Introducing 30 kinds of animals in Mandarin. Include the most common kinds such as dog, cat, pig, chicken.

Showing 168 of 177 videos
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