Showing 192 of 210 videos
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Ye Ru from Inner Mongolia shows you how to make lamb stew from her hometown.

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Xu Qing from Anhui recently changed jobs in order to spend holidays with his mother.

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Here you'll find the recipe and instructions for making stewed chicken.

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Chinese New Year is almost here. It's time for family and great food.

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Zhu Haoran from Hubei speaks about the preparation of traditional food from his hometown.

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Zhu Haoran shows you how to make traditional Hubei stew.

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Hubei stew is perfect for winters- and homesickness.

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For Zhu Luwei, glutinous rice balls in fermented rice wine are one of his fondest memories of his days in his hometown, Ningbo.

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Each New Year, Zhu Luwei visits his family, giving them the taste of an authentic Ningbonese Chinese New Year.

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Hu Jianming from Ninghai, Ningbo introduces a hometown dish: pork belly stew with dried pufferfish.

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The lesson on to make pork belly stew with dried pufferfish continues.

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Hu Jianming from Ningbo believes food from one's hometown is like a memory of his or her childhood.

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Have you ever thought about spending all those years to get a PhD only to become a farmer?

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The concept of farming in China is quite different than farming in America.

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It's the direction that matters, so don't speed through things. Take them step by step and enjoy the process.

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Niu talks about her memories of growing up in a small town with her older brother and his best friend.

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Niu explains how her brother, Dun, and "Four Eyes" started to get hooked on video games.

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Niu talks about the favorite place Dun and "Four Eyes" loved to spend their time.

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difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate
Viewer Discretion Advised

Micro-film Wan Da De Part 4

"Four Eyes" usually avoids confrontation- until one day.

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difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate
Viewer Discretion Advised

Micro-film Wan Da De Part 5

"Four Eyes" leaves his friends behind and finds a girlfriend in the city. Refusing to work for his father's company, he begins an unfruitful job search.

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After failing to find work and watching his girlfriend drive off with her director, "Four Eyes" decides to work for his father's company.

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"Four Eyes" is now a manager at his father's company while his best friend, Dun, is still hot and heavy into video games, working at a game shop and commentating on games as a hobby.

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Dun is gearing up for his first television appearance as a commentator for Supreme Entertainment.

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Dun is devastated when his very own script is given away and his lines delivered by someone else.

Showing 192 of 210 videos
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