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A young man discusses what it means to be happy in the context of living in a big city and with a high-stress job.

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Three people discuss the the meaning of happiness. For some it's living a good life and flourishing; for others it's the little things.

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Qi Yue Er is from Pujiang but is currently working in Hangzhou. She regularly makes the traditional Pujiang snack, Mi Shai Pa.

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Qi Yue Er explains why making Mi Shai Pa holds such special meaning for her.

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Ye Ru from Inner Mongolia will attempt to make lamb stew for the first time, the very dish her mom used to make.

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Ye Ru from Inner Mongolia shows you how to make lamb stew from her hometown.

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Xu Qing from Anhui recently changed jobs in order to spend holidays with his mother.

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Here you'll find the recipe and instructions for making stewed chicken.

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Chinese New Year is almost here. It's time for family and great food.

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Zhu Haoran from Hubei speaks about the preparation of traditional food from his hometown.

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Zhu Haoran shows you how to make traditional Hubei stew.

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Hubei stew is perfect for winters- and homesickness.

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For Zhu Luwei, glutinous rice balls in fermented rice wine are one of his fondest memories of his days in his hometown, Ningbo.

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Each New Year, Zhu Luwei visits his family, giving them the taste of an authentic Ningbonese Chinese New Year.

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Hu Jianming from Ninghai, Ningbo introduces a hometown dish: pork belly stew with dried pufferfish.

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The lesson on to make pork belly stew with dried pufferfish continues.

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Hu Jianming from Ningbo believes food from one's hometown is like a memory of his or her childhood.

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On "The Dating Show," where a male guest tries to sell himself to 24 potential girlfriends, video blogger Dou Hongyu seems to be doing pretty well – despite comments by one girl that he looks like he still belongs in primary school – before taking a nosedive with some outlandish statements about his future wife's physical assets and place in the home.

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Dou Hongyu is forced to make an exit after none of the girls vote for him, but still gets some compliments about the importance of his work in China today.

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Didn't love used to be simpler? This video certainly thinks so. With rising incomes and living standards comes rising expectations when it comes to finding "The One." This video looks at the importance of money in the marriage fortunes of Chinese men.

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More on contemporary Chinese attitudes toward love and marriage, including how those views changed in response to a controversial 2011 marriage law and the Japanese earthquake. There's now a new realization that home ownership is not the most important prerequisite for tying the knot.

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This entertaining and informative video on the Chinese obsession with gift-giving reveals a lot about contemporary Chinese social and political issues (covering everything from social competition to corrupt officials) and also delves into the ancient origins of this long-running practice.

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Zhuli Kosa is a hotel in the ancient water town of Zhujiajiao. The interior design concept aims to ‘relive the olden days of the Song Dynasty’, when Japanese aesthetics were de rigeur.

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The owner of Zhuli Kosa details the painstaking efforts made in creating the ideal place to stay for Zhujiajiao visitors.

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