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The workshop enables these members of the deaf-mute community to earn money through their work as well as expressing themselves through their crafts.

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No longer outcasts, through the studio, they are able to adapt to the real world and become a part of society.

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A perfumer tells us how his lifestyle has changed as he's grown up. He's created the ideal house for him and his numerous pets.

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A pefumer describes the features of his exquisite home.

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This video talks about how wasteful it can be to shop excessively on Singles day. Not only do you not need so much stuff, it can be harmful to the environment.

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Zhang Xiaofei has everything she needs except for a boyfriend. In this video we meet a potential boyfriend candidate.

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Zhang Xiaofei and her super rich eligible bachelor get to know each other. He's super rich and gives her a gift she can't accept.

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In this installment we find out that the rich suitor may not actually be as rich as he claims.

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Miss Zhang encounters a second suitor who seems equally inept.

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The second suitor isn't a good match either because he has a strange educational background and strange superstitions.

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Xiao Fei gives suitor number 2 an ultimatum and he fails miserably

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Just as Xiaofei is calling the dating service, an old friend walks into the cafe who intrigues her.

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Xiaofei finds out that this man of her dreams from her past is either crazy, or running a scam.

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In the end Xiaofei didn't find a man, but she will keep looking and won't date the creepy host guy.

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Jiang Xun believes the power of beauty is truly inside.

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Artists may not, in fact, be able to capture nature.

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In this episode of "Art Is So Easy," we meet artist Liu Yong and his eight-foot painting "Lantern Festival at Longshan Temple."

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Liu Yong's eight-foot painting depicts a lively scene during the Lantern Festival in Wanhua.

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This video tells the story of Siddhārtha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism.

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Siddhārtha Gautama's student, the "Most Venerable Ānanda," came up with the first batch of Buddhist scriptures.

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Among the different versions of the "Heart Sutra," by far the most popular one is the version by Xuan Zang.

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