Showing 168 of 1185 videos
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Learn what causes this beef to have that wonderful snowflake marbling. Isn't your mouth watering just looking at it?

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What did the fashionable grandma come up with? This creative new dish called "Red Days." So, what are the ingredients and why is it called that? Find out here.

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Want to learn how to cook this special dish by Auntie Xu? Take a look at this video!

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In addition to recommending some foods to look out for during the cold season in Shanghai, this show shares some important tips about consumers' rights. Enjoy!

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Have you ever tried herbal pork rib soup before? How would it taste when combined with clay pot rice? Besides the taste, it helps nourish our bodies. Watch this to find out more.

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What exactly is the food item that Zhenglin is holding in her hand? Let us all take a guess!

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What exactly is a snow bun? Let Zhenglin bring us to take a look and have a taste of this special delicacy.

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When temperatures plunge, it's no surprise that barbecue restaurants are particularly popular. But, one barbecue restaurant seems to be a particular favorite among the locals.

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Dim Sum is a Cantonese specialty. Let's see what's on the menu in this Cantonese-style restaurant in Shanghai.

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Feeling hungry? Learn about some different types of delicious Cantonese cuisine.

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Check out a competition with a difference- a duck slicing contest. As the contestants find out, it's not as simple as it appears.

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Find out the winner of a competition with a difference- a duck slicing contest.

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Have you ever wanted to know how to cook the perfect crepe? This video will tell you exactly how to go about it as we see a young university graduate make one on the TV show, "Stars in the Kitchen."

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Have you ever wanted to know how to cook the perfect crepe? This video will tell you exactly how to go about it as we see a young university graduate make one on the TV show, "Stars in the Kitchen," and have his friends review it.

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Need some advice on how to lead a healthy lifestyle? This video will give you a few pointers!

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difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

Hip Hop in China Interview

Big Zoo, a famous rap crew in China, tells us about hip hop and rap in China and their pride to represent their city of Chengdu.

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Find out how Eason Chan was influenced by his father, and how he managed to pull through the "incident."

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Eason Chan describes the scene then when he attended the court hearing of his father's case.

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Watch the smile on Eason Chan's face spread when he talks about his baby daughter!

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Eason Chan describes his goals in terms of his life and his concerts.

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Watch as Eason Chan teaches how to dine western style – and find out his secret to happiness!

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We'll learn about renowned Asian singer, Coco Lee, as she talks about herself and her family in the first of this eleven-part series.

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Coco Lee continues to share her life story, including details from her past and her parents' love story.

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As an adult, Coco shares stories about childhood, her education and her loving mother.

Showing 168 of 1185 videos
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