Showing 96 of 450 videos
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This video tells you how to use and take care of your windshield wipers to maximize their lifespan and effectiveness.

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This video advises us on how to properly use our car air conditioner.

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This video teaches us that we should, counterintuitively, turn the AC in our cars on in the winter once a month to keep the systems running smoothly. We should do the same with our heat in the summer!

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This video tells you how to properly turn on your car engine in winter months.

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This video is about how to properly extricate your vehicle from muck.

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This video warns that when driving, its other driver's wheels we should be paying attention to not their blinkers.

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This video tells you how to use your theft prevention mode properly. Remember to separate your keys from you remote.

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This video reminds us to care for the details when it comes to taking care of our car. Don't let dust accumulate on the windows because it can become a permanent problem!

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Set during the Japanese occupation of Shanghai, A Jewish Girl in Shanghai is an animated film that tells the story of three children. The movie has won numerous awards in Israel and mainland China.

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Wang Feng is one of China's most famous pop rock musicians. He was trained as a viola player at the prestigious Central Conservatory of Music and forsook his classical music career to form a rock band called No. 43 Baojia Street in the 1990s. The song, "Existence," reveals insights into the conflict in everyone's daily life.

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Wang Feng is a pop rock musician. Although he was trained as a viola player at the prestigious Central Conservatory of Music, he gave up his classical music career to form a rock band called No. 43 Baojia Street in the 1990s. Virtually every Chinese person has heard of his inspirational single, "Fly Higher." When idealism has been smothered by reality, we need more such uplifting songs.

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This video explains why a honeybee dies after stinging someone.

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This video explains why we shouldn't eat fruit that has gone bad.

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This video explains why picking our noses not only doesn't look nice, but can also be harmful to our health.

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This video explains the different circumstances under which hair might fall out.

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This video explains how giraffes evolved to have the long necks they have today.

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This video explains why fresh vegetables are important to the body's overall health.

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This video explains why a fish's body is covered in mucus.

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Watch as a man pops the question to his girlfriend in public in front of hundreds of people. Will she say yes?

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A medley of television commercials for a plethora of products ranging from candy to cosmetics.

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Ever wonder what products or brands to choose? Enjoy these commercials to find out about some options.

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What are the latest trends and offers for the New Year in China? Find out by watching these commercials!

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Do you know that Pizza Hut is the most popular and fancy pizza brand in China?

Showing 96 of 450 videos
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