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The "Heart Sutra" encourages one to embrace and adapt to change.

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Poetry is a great example of the reserved and cryptic manner in which many Chinese people tend to express themselves.

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Yuan Zheng was a well-known poet during the Tang Dynasty. His most famous poem is the mourning poem he wrote for his wife.

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Despite the fact that Yuan Zhen had many women in his life, he only wrote a mourning poem for his first wife, Wei Cong.

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Even though Yuan Zhen dated many women, Wei Cong was still the love of his life.

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While the Chinese use many different ways to express the same feelings, they say things out loud in a straightforward way.

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Art is always affected by the culture in which it was created.

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Hong Yi was a master painter, musician, dramatist, calligrapher, seal cutter, poet, and Buddhist monk. His calligraphy version of the "Xin Jing" is greatly beloved by all.

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"Farewell" or "Songbie" was composed by Master Hong Yi. This song reflects the vicissitudes of Master Hong Yi's life. More importantly it talks about parting, something Master Hong Yi has experienced numerous times through out his days.

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Master Hong Yi grew up in a wealthy and prosperous family. He had everything he could possibly need. Why would he ever want to leave?

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In our lives we experience pain and sorrow, Master Hong Yi is no different. One of the most painful experiences he went through was loosing his mother.

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When he was in Japan Master Hong Yi came in touch with Western art, which lead him to start his magazine. It was through magazines that he first heard of fasting.

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Through fasting Master Hong Yi began to adjust his lifestyle and mindset to fit that of a monk. Afterwards he shaved his head and formally became a monk.

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When Master Hong Yi left to become a monk everyone was shocked. Even his wife and kids didn't understand.

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The transitions in Master Hong Yi's life happened naturally and are connected to his growth as an individual. Some wonder whether or not in his decision to become a monk he abandoned this world.

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After becoming a monk Master Hong Yi deepened his study of Buddhism. The Buddhism value, love is compassion, became a part of his doctrine.

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We are constantly saying goodbye to our friends, to our family, to our past selves. Master Hong Yi is no different. These goodbyes became an inspiration for his song, "Farewell".

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The director of a Xiamen antique store, The Goodone, has collected and preserved the flower tiles of the the city's old roads hoping one day they can be re-purposed into the design of the city.

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In his effort to preserve the history of his city the director overcame many difficulties. In the end, it simply came down to his drive to preserve the past and love for sharing history with others, that lead him to persevere.

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In this episode, Yi Gongzi introduces the often overlooked museum specialty: ancient Chinese bronze ware.

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As Yi Gongzi explains, ancient bronze tableware isn't for just anyone to use.

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Yi Gongzi explains how bronze was discovered and formed in ancient China.

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Yi Gongzi details the long and involved process of making bronzeware.

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Making bronzeware is an arduous and involved process, and its usage has a strict hierarchy.

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