Showing 192 of 346 videos
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In the past, Ming dynasty furniture was a meticulous and laborious craft. Has that changed?

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difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate
China Northeastern

Commercials Skoda

A funny ŠKODA advertising with a play on words. Watch and see if you can find the puns.

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It is a Chinese tradition to put up a blessing as a decoration in the home during the Chinese New Year. This is quite similar to saying grace before eating Christmas dinner.

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While we use Christmas trees and stockings to decorate during Christmas, let's see what kind of decorations the Chinese use for their New Year's celebration.

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Hardware, software and the Internet: Learn everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask about computers.

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Li Yin Fei and Li Ding perform their crosstalk act the Spring Festival Gala.

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Li Yin Fei and Li Ding show how to refuse to light firecrackers for the New Year.

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Li Yin Fei and Li Ding demonstrate the benefits of not lighting firecrackers to welcome the New Year.

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Li Yin Fei and Li Ding discuss conserving energy and reducing emissions.

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Li Yin Fei and Li Ding discuss "Operation Empty Plate."

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Li Yin Fei and Li Ding explain how to implement "Operation Empty Plate."

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Li Yin Fei and Li Ding show how to convince others that being less wasteful and extravagant is the way to go for the New Year.

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Li Yin Fei and Li Ding show how to convince others that being less wasteful and extravagant will help those less fortunate.

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difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate

Daddy Chang Nescafe

Daddy Chang treats us to a half-abstruse, half-comic meditation on working in an office in China, with some fairly shameless product placement thrown in as well.

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Watch as the Fashion Event continues and our hosts engage with the most well-known Chinese supermodels on the catwalk today.

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The New Year's Fashion Event continues with further accolades for Firestone Management's affiliates and accomplishments.

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The ending of the annual dinner of Paras Managment company.Thanks to all the supporting staff that makes the event a success.

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Find out who the newest addition to the Pepsi family is. Hint: he's a new Taiwanese superstar and he's rumored to be the third wheel to another famous couple!

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A fruit and vegetable market is the place to shop for fresh food in China. Come check out the great variety of food on display!

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Should there be individuality in a traditional group performance?

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Mao Yun Gong is the inheritor of the Liuliu tone.

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There are many tones in Chinese folk music.

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China is losing its sound. What can be done to save it?

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The story behind this idiom about deception comes from one of the most famous and fabled chapters in Chinese history, the much-dramatized rivalry between Xiang Yu and Liu Bang. After both generals helped to bring down the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Yu divided China into 18 kingdoms, taking vast, fertile territory for himself and giving Liu Bang remote, mountainous land.

Showing 192 of 346 videos
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