Showing 96 of 526 videos
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Our food researcher shares her knowledge about why eating too much protein is unnecessary and possibly harmful to our bodies.

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A nutritionist tells us about the different types of foods we should have to make a perfect plate for ourselves. She also connects our eating habits to climate change.

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We hear from a Chinese medicine expert about the benefits of lotus seeds.

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A Chinese medicine expert explains the hearts of lotus seeds have good health benefits by helping people "lower their inner heat."

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Big Brother Chen takes over a tea house that serves vegetarian food. This change in business gives him a change of heart as he enthusiastically espouses the virtues of a plant based diet.

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Big brother Chen tells us how the food made in his restaurants, although it is all veggie, has the taste and texture of meat. He thinks this brings in more customers and brings people around on the idea of being vegetarian.

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The owner of the restaurant that serves meat dishes made from vegetables, Chen, explains his new found philosophy gained from running the restaurant.

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Why doesn't China have a film rating system similar to the United States or other countries?

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Companies offering private cars and carpooling options are posing a very real threat to the taxi industry.

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Taxi drivers aren't happy with the advent of private cars, but it's hard to blame passengers for making the switch.

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The prevalence of private cars has led the government to take its own measures.

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Who's to blame for the fall of the taxi?

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On the streets of Chengdu, a new type of hair pin is all the rage.

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A surprisingly engaging video outlining the basics of the Chinese legal system, including its historical origins and development as well as how laws are made and what some of them cover.

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In this episode of The 25th Hour, we first meet 82-year-old Wu Ren Di who is looking for love in his native Shanghai.

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82-year-old Wu Ren Di was married for over 40 years before his wife passed away in 2001.

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Even in retirement, Mister Wu keeps busy with stock trading.

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After his first marriage, 82-year-old Wu Ren Di had a short-lived marriage of four months.

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Divorced for a decade, Ying met the love of her life at a singles salon.

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Ying had no choice but to leave her boyfriend of four years after his daughter did not approve of their decision to get married.

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The elderly today not only have physical needs, but spiritual needs as well.

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Despite meeting a 64 year-old man at 59 years of age, Wan Mei Ling claims Ni Sheng Rong is the man she's been waiting for her entire life.

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Wan Mei Ling faces opposition from her family regarding her relationship with Ni Sheng Rong.

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Wan Mei Ling has made many sacrifices for the man she loves.

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