Showing 96 of 333 videos
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A nutritionist tells us about the different types of foods we should have to make a perfect plate for ourselves. She also connects our eating habits to climate change.

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We hear from a Chinese medicine expert about the benefits of lotus seeds.

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A Chinese medicine expert explains the hearts of lotus seeds have good health benefits by helping people "lower their inner heat."

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Big Brother Chen takes over a tea house that serves vegetarian food. This change in business gives him a change of heart as he enthusiastically espouses the virtues of a plant based diet.

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Big brother Chen tells us how the food made in his restaurants, although it is all veggie, has the taste and texture of meat. He thinks this brings in more customers and brings people around on the idea of being vegetarian.

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The owner of the restaurant that serves meat dishes made from vegetables, Chen, explains his new found philosophy gained from running the restaurant.

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Buddhist cave art was greatly influenced by Indian Buddhist art and emerged in China along with the spread of Buddhism starting in the Han Dynasty around the 1st Century A.D.

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What was the origin of China's famous Mogao Caves, also known as the Thousand Buddha Caves? Find out here.

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A continued exploration of some of the historical and artistic qualities of the famous Buddhist sculptures in China's Mogao Caves.

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Learn how the features of the Buddhist statues found in caves in China evolved throughout history.

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This clip takes us to the historical aesthetic of the breathtaking Fengxian Temple of the Longmen Caves, which contains the magnificent Lushena Buddha.

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This clip displays the exquisite beauty of the Dazu Grotto statues. They are unique in that they depict not only religious figures but also the peacefulness of secular life.

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This video shows the care and precision taken in the making of the Grand Buddha grotto statues, ultimately culminating in a stunning example of great artistry.

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Four generations of the Zhang family have played monkey kings.

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Liu Xiao Ling Tong prepares for the role of his lifetime.

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This Spring Festival season, Pepsi brings happiness home.

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Although the tendency is for society to look down on the mentally-ill, one who actually gets to know them may find them to be extremely talented.

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While helping mentally-ill people to adapt to the real world, we can also learn a lot about our true selves.

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Although many people look down on them because of their illnesses, we might actually be the ones who are sick.

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Things get heated as the group versus individuality debate continues.

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Every role is important, no matter how small.

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For the first time, these young performers are getting the attention they deserve.

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These drum performers have brought to the "Heritage" stage the traditions of China's villagers.

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