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The judges of The Voice of China stand together in support of the Laoqiang music group from Huayin.

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Before singing her next song, The Voice of China contestant, Tan Weiwei, has some advice for her audience.

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The Voice of China contestant, Tan Weiwei, performs a cover of Emil Chau's "Storyteller."

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"The Waiting" is a short film about life in the big city for one unfortunate Chinese family. In part one, let yourselves be introduced to the characters and their story.

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With Mom not around, the family is having a hard time adjusting to their new morning routine - especially the kids.

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The kids leave for school, but with Mom gone and with Dad rushing off to work, they'll have to make the journey themselves.

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The kids make their way to school, but it appears as though they may be taking the long way. Meanwhile, their teacher wonders why they're always late for class.

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The kids are hard at work in class, and although their teachers know what's going on, there's little they can do. Meanwhile, Dad is hard at work at the factory.

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China is a fast-changing place. New buildings go up, and old ones are torn down. On their way home from school, the kids are surrounded by these changes and it makes them reflect on the future of their own home.

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It's snack time at home and the kids are feeding themselves - they've even become accustomed to practicing piano on their own.

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As the kids wait for Dad to return home from work, it's up to big sister to not let younger brother worry. If there were an accident, surely Daddy's company would call - right?

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See how this short film, "The Waiting," closes. With the kids waiting at home and a stressed, bereaved father on his way back from work, will everything turn out for the best?

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difficulty - Beginner Beginner

Tim Wu Addicted

American-born Tim Wu is an emcee/producer/tv host/celebrity based out of Shanghai. As most foreigners learning Chinese find it hard enough to wrap their tongues around its confounding variety of tones and new sounds, rarely does anyone aspire to use his or her burgeoning linguistic skills to write poetry, let alone rap. Let's listen to one who has.

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Learn about the history of acupuncture in China and the people whose discoveries and work were integral in advancing the field.

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In ancient times, meridian networks and acupoints were used to treat illness, but researchers are only beginning to understand the effectiveness of these in diagnosing illness and examining the body.

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Medical discoveries in the U.S. and France sparked further study by China into the correlation between acupoints in the ear and the treatment of disease.

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After many years of research, acupuncture has now become an effective tool for healing all kinds of ailments.

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A professor discusses human emotions and how they share a close and interconnected relationship with our internal organs.

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Professor Fan discusses the relationship between the liver and anger and its correlation with the irritability experienced by females during menstruation.

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Professor Fan discusses the relationship between thought and the digestive system and why drivers who drive long distances have gastric problems.

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Professor Fan discusses grief and the lungs as well as how immense fear affects our ability to control the kidneys.

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Professor Fan discusses how extreme changes in emotion can damage the "Qi" in the five viscera.

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Professor Fan explains why you must anger someone to the point of tears during an argument.

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Professor Fan emphasizes the importance of rules and having a good grasp of such rules in everything we do.

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