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difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate

A Song of Revolution YK

YK, born in Switzerland, is one of the best rappers in Beijing. His diverse and complex background in an international community that incorporated the best of both Western customs and Eastern traditions, coupled with his profound love of urban music, eventually led Young Kin to the stage.

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Learn about the history of acupuncture in China and the people whose discoveries and work were integral in advancing the field.

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In ancient times, meridian networks and acupoints were used to treat illness, but researchers are only beginning to understand the effectiveness of these in diagnosing illness and examining the body.

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Medical discoveries in the U.S. and France sparked further study by China into the correlation between acupoints in the ear and the treatment of disease.

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After many years of research, acupuncture has now become an effective tool for healing all kinds of ailments.

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