Showing 96 of 447 videos
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This video tells you how to properly turn on your car engine in winter months.

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This video teaches us that we should, counterintuitively, turn the AC in our cars on in the winter once a month to keep the systems running smoothly. We should do the same with our heat in the summer!

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This video advises us on how to properly use our car air conditioner.

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This video tells you how to use and take care of your windshield wipers to maximize their lifespan and effectiveness.

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This video gives you advice about how to avoid accidents while passing in your car.

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Isabelle Huang and Tiger Hu stun with their rendition of Hebe Tian's You must find happiness on The Treasured Voice music program.

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A Lian Lian Pay employee has a message for its customers during this difficult time.

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A Lian Lian Pay employee picks up his groceries during quarantine.

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A Lian Lian Pay employee details his morning routine while in quarantine.

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Our guided meditation comes to a close with a positive outlook on the day a head.

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In our guided meditation we take a vow to have an amazing day.

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In this video, we demonstrate how to properly wear, remove and dispose of a medical mask.

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In this video we are asked to imagine our perfect life and all the thing's that accompany that.

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in our guided meditation we imagine what it is we want to do today.

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The cabbie reflects on her mother's advice verses what she chose to do with her life.

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The cabbie's daughter shares her aspirations of being a Dumpling cook.

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We see that some people can't accept the mother bringing her child in the cab. There's a flashback showing how the cabbie's mother disaproves. But some customers are fine with it.

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In part 2 of our guided meditation we imagine our ideal morning.

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A mother brings her daughter to work. She works as a taxi driver.

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We begin a guided mediation. First, we should breath and relax.

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To make something past tense in Chinese is very simple. Just add "le" at the end and the sentence is now past tense.

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Grandmother always took great care in her appearance and she expected the same from us. Red nail polish, makeup, earrings were an important part of her daily routine even into her later years.

Showing 96 of 447 videos
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