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Li Yin Fei and Li Ding perform their crosstalk act the Spring Festival Gala.

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Companies offering private cars and carpooling options are posing a very real threat to the taxi industry.

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Chinese vlogger Alex kicks off the Christmas season with her Christmas gift list.

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People often say that we should not judge a person by his or her appearance, but what is the real definition of beautiful?

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Experts explain what foods can help us keep warm in the winter and which may cause excessive heat.

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Why doesn't China have a film rating system similar to the United States or other countries?

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Chinese wontons are the centerpiece of many Chinese meals. History and geography have given the wonton many different names and styles. Learn about them all in this video!

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Shui Xian tea is highly regarded by tea enthusiasts. Find out why.

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With the development of technology, soy bean fiber is used to make vegetarian food, which enrich the taste and texture of a vegetarian meal.

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Pine nut Wealthy Fish is a famous dish in Gong De Lin. Not only that it is hard to make, it is also comparable to the famous Shanghai dish of Pine nut Yellow Croaker.

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Why do we use different terms when talking about Wuyi Rock Tea?

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Over the years, Gong De Lin became a representation of the vegetarian culture in China.

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How would one describe the flavor of Zhengyan tea?

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Gong De Lin is a vegetarian restaurant that was found by the Jian brothers in Shanghai in 1922.

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How does soil quality affect the quality of the tea?

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Water is an important ingredient to make the best tofu skin.

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In this first of a 15-part series about supply and demand, consumption, global markets, gas prices, oil - and much more - listen to an international panel of experts weigh in on the issues.

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In this second video of a series about oil, supply and demand, consumption, and global markets, listen to our guests talk about how they see the rising price of gasoline affecting people's daily lives.

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As an only recent mass consumer of oil, how has China been affected by the oil crises of the past? In this third video in a series about oil, supply and demand, consumption, and global markets, listen to our experts weigh in on China's role in how these crises have played out.

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What do our experts think caused the world's current oil crisis? Find out as they each respond to the question in this fourth video in our series about oil, supply and demand, consumption, and global markets

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Listen to an international panel of experts weigh in on the issues in this fifth video of a series about supply and demand, consumption, global markets, gas prices, oil and much more.

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Will the world face another oil crisis in the future? What conditions could potentially cause one? How might one be prevented? In this sixth video in our "Brain Storm" series about oil markets, listen as our audience – as well as Mr. Long and Mr. Huntington – weigh in.

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How does our expert, Mr. Ke Yan, feel about the possibility of a coming oil crisis? Have a listen and find out in this seventh episode from our "Brain Strom" series on oil, supply and demand, and global markets.

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In this eighth part of our "Brain Storm" series, learn about China's current and future oil consumption. Also, listen to what some of our experts have to say about which issues are currently most in need of being addressed.

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Oil will not last forever. Issues of energy efficiency and conservation are of the utmost importance as we head into the future. Watch this ninth video in our "Brain Storm" series and find out how our panel of experts sees these issues as they pertain to China.

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In this 10th video in our "Brain Storm" series about oil consumption and China, our guests get into the details of fuel taxation. How does China compare to the rest of the world? What path do our guests think China should take with regards to fuel taxes? Watch and find out.

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Hong Yi was a master painter, musician, dramatist, calligrapher, seal cutter, poet, and Buddhist monk. His calligraphy version of the "Xin Jing" is greatly beloved by all.

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"Farewell" or "Songbie" was composed by Master Hong Yi. This song reflects the vicissitudes of Master Hong Yi's life. More importantly it talks about parting, something Master Hong Yi has experienced numerous times through out his days.

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Master Hong Yi grew up in a wealthy and prosperous family. He had everything he could possibly need. Why would he ever want to leave?

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In our lives we experience pain and sorrow, Master Hong Yi is no different. One of the most painful experiences he went through was loosing his mother.

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When he was in Japan Master Hong Yi came in touch with Western art, which lead him to start his magazine. It was through magazines that he first heard of fasting.

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Through fasting Master Hong Yi began to adjust his lifestyle and mindset to fit that of a monk. Afterwards he shaved his head and formally became a monk.

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When Master Hong Yi left to become a monk everyone was shocked. Even his wife and kids didn't understand.

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The transitions in Master Hong Yi's life happened naturally and are connected to his growth as an individual. Some wonder whether or not in his decision to become a monk he abandoned this world.

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After becoming a monk Master Hong Yi deepened his study of Buddhism. The Buddhism value, love is compassion, became a part of his doctrine.

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We are constantly saying goodbye to our friends, to our family, to our past selves. Master Hong Yi is no different. These goodbyes became an inspiration for his song, "Farewell".

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