Showing 71 of 71 videos
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Be careful of what you want to express in Chinese as the world order is also important.

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Someone finally has enough courage to talk to Susan about her big burger feast.

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And now Susan made a change to her American burger and turned it into the Chinese burger.

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Now it's the time to pack your winter clothes away since spring is coming.

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"Cover in spring and cool off in autumn" helps your body to better adapt to the new season's temperature.

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Older people are scared of getting cold while the younger generation is scared of getting hot.

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Mai Miao and Susan tried to avoid wearing to many layers by sending their winter clothes to the laundromat but of course that didn't work out.

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Mai Miao and Susan don't want to take the down jackets with them but uncle and aunt insist. What should they do now?

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The elderly are wise so you should listen to their advice. Or else, you will be like Susan and Mai Miao.

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This tutorial teaches you how to do makeup for interviews to give a good first impression to your potential employers. Part one explains how to choose and apply base.

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The eyebrows play a very important role in makeup.The second part of this makeup tutorial teaches you the eyebrows that you should use for an interview.

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The third part of this tutorial teaches you how to apply eyeliner to create a clean and fresh look for your interview. Following the eye makeup, refined lip makeup is needed to finish the look.

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After applying the perfect makeup, the next thing that one needs in order to leave a good impression is the right outfit. This part of the tutorial will teach you how to dress to impress for the interview.

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Zhang Fang shows you how to do a hair bump in two minutes.

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This video talks about how to build self-confidence. Don't mind what other people think of you and just be yourself.

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This video talks about how to build self-confidence. Don't mind what other people think of you and just be yourself.

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Learn about some invaluable negotiation techniques for the business world.

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Learn 12 essential negotiation tactics for the business world- and some tips on how to deal with different negotiation counterparts.

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Handy tips on how to conduct business negotiations are continued with the importance of establishing good relationships, not revealing too much too soon and having breadth and depth of knowledge and a good memory.

Showing 71 of 71 videos
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