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This video talks about how wasteful it can be to shop excessively on Singles day. Not only do you not need so much stuff, it can be harmful to the environment.

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During the two-month lockdown in Shanghai, did anyone want to just "run away"?

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How did people feel during the two-month COVID-19 lockdown in Shanghai?

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What was the effect on people's mental health during the two-month lockdown in Shanghai?

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How do people feel about Shanghai during and after the city's two-month lockdown?

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What were some of the thoughts Shanghai residents had during the lockdown?

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Some people wanted to leave Shanghai, but it wasn't always because of the pandemic.

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The lockdown in Shanghai had many young people thinking about their past and future career decisions.

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Get the latest news on new developments in the sneaker world. Anyone want a look at Jeremy Lin's kicks?

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"Dahood" is a very unique shoe store in Shanghai. Find out how we spoil our feet in a very stylish way.

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A jolly German fellow tells us why he loves Shanghai so much. His whole life is in Shanghai, so he feels it's his second home.

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Our jolly host asks some of his Beijing friends how they feel about Shanghai foreigners. He also asks how someone can come to love a city they weren't born in.

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Our host continues to ask his Beijing friends why they think Beijing is better than Shanghai. Roz says that Beijing is better because the roads are easier to find.

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Our host, A Fu, asks Xiaobei what his ideal place to retire is. They also confront Jared in the Hall way about where his allegiances lie when it comes to the debate about which city is better, Beijing or Shanghai.

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A Fu finishes by asking a friend what they think about living in Shanghai. He says he can't stand the cold winter. We also meet A Fu's wife who explains that home is what is comfortable to you and where your parents are.

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Kids meet people with different gender expressions and are asked to guess whether each person is an "uncle" or an "auntie."

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Canadian Mark Henry Rowswell is perhaps the most famous foreigner in China. He talks to talk show host, Chen Luyu, about his life and remarkable career in China as xiangsheng (a traditional form of "crosstalk" comedy) performer and cultural ambassador, Dashan.

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Dashan talks about when he first came to China and reveals that even he once struggled to master the language.

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How did Dashan get his big break? See that first CCTV skit that made him famous.

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Dashan talks about the moment he realized he was a household name in China, while old friends and xiangsheng legends Jiang Kun and Ding Guangqun reveal what makes the Canadian such a special talent.

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One of Dashan's xiangsheng teachers shares his feelings about his foreign "grandson."

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He was at Beida and performed a skit on CCTV. Did a lot of girls like him back then? Pry into Dashan's personal life and... is Zhang Kai Li really his wife?

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