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A tale which demonstrates the importance of not judging others’ strengths and weaknesses in accordance with our own and doing unto others as we would have done unto ourselves. Part 3.

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Confucius explains to his disciples what is good and what is evil, but there are also right and wrong ways to be good. How can good be right or wrong?

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A year has gone by and the scoundrel is still up to no good. However, when his evil deeds finally culminate in his capture, the Prime Minister does not rejoice in this news.

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Confucious teaches his disciples that just as benevolence can bring about evil deeds, so can malevolence lead to good ones.

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Confucious explains to his students that there is wrong in right, but also right in wrong and that they must understand this in order to understand good and evil.

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An interesting and didactic story about a young man who tries to make money dishonestly and learns his lesson.

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"The Waiting" is a short film about life in the big city for one unfortunate Chinese family. In part one, let yourselves be introduced to the characters and their story.

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This is the official trailer for the 2015 film, "Only You," directed by Zhang Hao.

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Jiao Shou Yi Xiao Xing gives up a stable career, moving to Beijing to start over.

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The road to "Never Thought of That" was not without its challenges.

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"Never Thought of That" is about to debut. Let's dream together.

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This is the movie trailer for the Guan Hu-directed 2015 movie, Mr. Six.

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What if time could be split so that we could know the outcomes of our decisions? That's the question this contemplative short film raises. In the first installment, we meet a young doctor caring for his ailing father.

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Part two of this moving story sees our protagonist flash back to his childhood as he recalls fond memories of his beloved father.

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Things take a strange turn as our hero enters the mysterious time archives where he learns that time has been split into two and he has an alternate self who has made different choices in life.

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Jianshui gets to see what would have happened if he'd followed his colleague's advice and taken his father back to their hometown to live out his last days.

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Back at the time archives, Jianshui is pretty confused. He discovers his dad left him a touching letter containing some solid fatherly wisdom and heartfelt memories.

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Jianshui's father recalls what happened on his son's sixth birthday, shares more fond memories and continues to deliver advice from beyond the grave. He has a valuable lesson about living your life without doubting your choices.

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A strange tale begins when a fight breaks out on a bus between an old man who lifts up a young woman's skirt and her boyfriend. When the old man begins foaming at the mouth, things get pretty weird...

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We're transported back in time by the old man's memories told as a quirky, old-time style short called "Father," which depicts a sweet relationship between a heroic policeman and his daughter.

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Time skips forward a decade to the Reform and Opening Era in this segment. The father struggles to find romance and raise his 16-year-old daughter.

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Things get dark as the father discovers his daughter has been getting too close to a boy. But his anger quickly turns to remorse when she responds badly to his punishment.

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A father fights with his daughter because she thinks he's getting older and neglecting to take care of himself properly. Then, after an awkward moment on a bus, the father decides to run off.

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