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Can you image teaching in rural China where you are probably the only foreigner?

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One of the biggest problems in Chinese society is the absence of parents in their kids’ lives. Parents often work elsewhere while the children stay in their hometown with their grandparents.

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Confidence is very important in determining one's future success. What would you do to help children gain confidence?

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Although Israel is a small country established in recent years, it has a long cultural history like China.

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Sometimes, when your goal is too hard to reach, take a step back. Go for a more achievable goal and work hard towards it.

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As the process is much more important, it's OK to not achieve your dream.

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Rush hour at metro stations in big Chinese cities can be very challenging as the stations are packed with people.

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Helping people makes one feel good. Although it may not mean much to you, it could be quite significant for the other person.

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Being a volunteer means more than just helping the person at that moment. You might also help that person to fulfill his or her life.

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It is well-known that the the young generation of Chinese has an unhealthy lifestyle that can lead to serious health issues.

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When you think the work is done, there's often still much more to do.

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Did you drop something when you were on the metro? Well, the metro workers just might find it for you.

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It takes a lot of work to create a safe place for people.

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The metro is the mode of transportation that most people use in big cities in China. Most of us don't realize that there is a great deal of work behind its operation.

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Welcome to a day in the life at the Shanghai International Airport! Although its not the holiday season yet there are a lot of people going in and out on business trips.

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Gao Yousi visits with guest in the airport. He a couple doing long distance and chats with a mother sending her son off to boarding school. This episode is a window into the life of ordinary travelers coming through the Shanghai Airport.

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A hardworking airlines assistant, Gao Yousi, wheels an elderly couple to their gate. On the way he he has a brief history lesson on what it was like back when Chairman Mao was leading the country.

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As Gao Yousi's job at the airport progresses he chats with a dad about the hardships of traveling. He also has a run in with some excited fans.

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Gao Yousi finally gets a break! He chats in the break room with other coworkers about life, work and love.

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In the last hour of his shift, Gao Yousi, is finally getting the hang of working as an airlines service personnel. He experiences the last minute rush after boarding and even gets to use the intercom.

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Gao You Si our host hears online that people who make jianbings are making lots of money so he tries his hand at cooking some up.

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Business picks up at the jianbing shop and Gao You si struggles to keep up with demand. He sees some of his fans and does his best to make jianbings fast enough. He also considers whether he should quit blogging and start making jianbings full time.

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Gao You si finishes up the day and gets to counting his money. upon counting it all up he realizes he's made substantial gains and as he has promised he sends the money he made to his fans. The boss informs him that he calculated the money incorrectly, because he didn't count the cost. The boss says either way every month they pull in close to 50000 rmb.

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Our host learns what the responsibilities are for running an internet cafe. The responsibilities include making drinks, cleaning computers, and staying up all night.

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