Showing 96 of 288 videos
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At a young age, Simba's father took him out of school to travel. The education he received traveling hardly compares to what he could learn in the classroom. Languages, social skills, adapting to new environments these are all skills that can be developed outside of the classroom.

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Traveling with his child is an incredible experience for Simba's father. There is nothing more he would rather do than watch his son grow up by his side. For children, getting out and seeing the world is important to their growth and development.

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Jianghan Pass, once a very popular spot for wedding photos, is now deserted.

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The winter has passed and Jianghan Road is showing signs of returning to business, but many simple services, like takeout delivery, are not yet operational.

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Our host will remember this exceptional meal forever, and not because of the food.

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An outside meal was hard to find during the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan.

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Like the people of Wuhan, the Yellow Crane Tower has withstood the greatest challenges time has delivered.

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Medical workers come to the Yangtze River Bridge to take in the sights after a long day's work.

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Didn't love used to be simpler? This video certainly thinks so. With rising incomes and living standards comes rising expectations when it comes to finding "The One." This video looks at the importance of money in the marriage fortunes of Chinese men.

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More on contemporary Chinese attitudes toward love and marriage, including how those views changed in response to a controversial 2011 marriage law and the Japanese earthquake. There's now a new realization that home ownership is not the most important prerequisite for tying the knot.

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Larger dogs are put to the test: Will they help their owners in desperate situations?

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To test the effectiveness of anti-mosquito lamps on mosquitoes, we'll first need some mosquitoes.

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Just how effective are anti-mosquito lamps in a room full of mosquitos?

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How do anti-mosquito lamps fare with human flesh in the room?

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How serious is the pollution caused from smoking two cigarettes in a row?

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Cigarette smoke and car exhaust go head to head in carbon monoxide and air pollution level comparisons.

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A car is pulled into a closed garage. What will be the effects of air pollution?

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What are the PM2.5 and carbon monoxide levels for a cigarette smoked inside a car?

Showing 96 of 288 videos
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