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The artist begins by explaining his daily process of painting.

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The artist tells about the intricacies of his very dull painting process. Some people say they want to come watch him painting, but he advises against it. The magic is in the tedium.

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The artist describes how he first began painting oil paintings. He copied the paintings on on poker chips confiscated during the cultural revolution.

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The painter describes how he would travel all over his city in his teenage years to observe all the different oil painters he could see.

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The artist talks about how art progresses and how that progression has to move slowly.

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The artist talks about how in his day conversation was more lively and people weren't looking at their phones all the time.

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The artist describes how he draws inspiration from Chinese mythology, but he has his own flavor and interpretations.

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The artist explains some of the mythology that goes into his work

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The artist explains some more myths that directly tie into his work.

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The artist talks about video games and the host talks about a video game.

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The artist talks about how in the future the things that we see as science they will see as legends.

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The artist describes how legends and myths are the blueprints for our future development.

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The artist shows that in our myths it is preordained that our advancements are all in service of returning to our mythological paradise.

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A jolly German fellow tells us why he loves Shanghai so much. His whole life is in Shanghai, so he feels it's his second home.

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Our jolly host asks some of his Beijing friends how they feel about Shanghai foreigners. He also asks how someone can come to love a city they weren't born in.

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Our host continues to ask his Beijing friends why they think Beijing is better than Shanghai. Roz says that Beijing is better because the roads are easier to find.

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Our host, A Fu, asks Xiaobei what his ideal place to retire is. They also confront Jared in the Hall way about where his allegiances lie when it comes to the debate about which city is better, Beijing or Shanghai.

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A Fu finishes by asking a friend what they think about living in Shanghai. He says he can't stand the cold winter. We also meet A Fu's wife who explains that home is what is comfortable to you and where your parents are.

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Welcome home to Shanghai's most sustainable house! Built in the 1930s, this house has been remodeled to be a self-circulating and self-insulating home to a family of five.

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The house was designed with family in mind. Everything is suitable for both the adults and kids. Not only does this cut down on costs, but it also simply makes for a more comfortable home environment.

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This house is an embodiment of its environmentally conscientious inhabitants, only fit to house those with a similar lifestyle.

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The giving of hongbao, otherwise known as lucky money, is an age-old tradition for the Chinese New Year. Here is a brief introduction to its interesting history and some less traditional ideas of what to send as hongbao!

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