Showing 144 of 1188 videos
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Designs are fascinating in that each individual might interpret them in his or her own way. How would you brand yourself?

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The purpose of design is to make people's lives easier and happier. Which design do you like best?

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Our society is full of smaller systems that help us function as a whole.

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To create social innovation, everyone must work together.

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Moxi Zishi explains the reason the desire for education is so strong.

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Xi Zhi Nong speaks about some of his best moments as a wildlife photographer.

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Wildlife photographer Xi Zhi Nong speaks about the Tibetan antelopes living in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

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Wildlife photographer Xi Zhi Nong explains how there is not enough nature in the lives of people who live in cities.

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Wildlife photographer, Xi Zhi Nong, explains how trading and exploitation have further endangered wild tigers.

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Wildlife photographer, Xi Zhi Nong, explains a clause in Chinese law that is the source of the artificial breeding of animals.

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Wildlife photographer, Xi Zhi Nong, shares two beautiful moments with photographs.

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Animal adoption is a growing trend in the world which, will not only bring happiness to the animals, but to their adopters as well.

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Make them a part of your family and give them your love. Adopt rather than purchasing pets.

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What role do humans play in nature? The answer is hard to determine.

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As he was raised by a human being, the pup didn't know even how to catch his own prey. Thus his survival skills needed to be taught by a human.

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It's fascinating that a wolf can understand so much.

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The bond between humans and animals is stronger than many think.

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Although humans are the smartest living creatures on Earth, we are sometimes worse than animals as our actions are driven by ambition.

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As more people own dogs and cats nowadays, pet sitting is becoming a growing industry in China.

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Many people choose to board their pets while they are away.

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As leaving their owners can be a scary thing for pets, some may tend to get more aggressive.

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Although many people tend to underestimate animals, their comprehension often exceeds their expectations.

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Chinese New Year is a high season for abandoning pets as people don't want to pay for boarding or pet sitters.

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Animals can be quite sensitive in new surroundings.

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