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In this episode of The 25th Hour, we first meet 82-year-old Wu Ren Di who is looking for love in his native Shanghai.

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82-year-old Wu Ren Di was married for over 40 years before his wife passed away in 2001.

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Even in retirement, Mister Wu keeps busy with stock trading.

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After his first marriage, 82-year-old Wu Ren Di had a short-lived marriage of four months.

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Divorced for a decade, Ying met the love of her life at a singles salon.

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Ying had no choice but to leave her boyfriend of four years after his daughter did not approve of their decision to get married.

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The elderly today not only have physical needs, but spiritual needs as well.

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Despite meeting a 64 year-old man at 59 years of age, Wan Mei Ling claims Ni Sheng Rong is the man she's been waiting for her entire life.

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Wan Mei Ling faces opposition from her family regarding her relationship with Ni Sheng Rong.

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Wan Mei Ling has made many sacrifices for the man she loves.

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This new generation of young people in China needs to stop laying claim to their parents' assets.

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Each week, a government-supported dating service hosts matchmaking events for the elderly.

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Ren Hai Hua has been a matchmaker for the elderly for over a decade.

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Meet Zhu Hong and Mister Zhang, an elderly couple who recently met in Pudong.

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Zhu Hong's partner, Mister Zhang, wholeheartedly supports her in her endeavors.

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Zhu Hong and Mister Zhang were one of the luckier elderly couples that had the support and blessing of their children.

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Elderly people in Shanghai are finding their own ways to live their lives to the fullest.

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A 75-year-old retired school teacher collects garbage every day and donates the money to a school for poor children. His charitable deeds have earned him recognition in the local newspaper and several awards. His speaking is difficult to understand, but still an interesting perspective from a different generation.

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The interview continues and LiuYi shows us how he collects garbage as well as the school garden he has created.

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What is education equality and how do we achieve it?

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Professor Lang illustrates the case of education inequality using the case of China's 985 and 211 schools as an example.

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Professor Lang explains why the current system of central government funding to China's top universities is not equal.

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Professor Lang compares enrollment rates in Henan and Shanghai to illustrate China's problem of education inequality.

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Students face discrimination both before entering university and after graduating. Why?

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