Showing 24 of 63 videos
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This Spring Festival, are you coming back home? Do you have a million reasons not to go home for the Spring Festival? This video is dedicated to all the parents in the world.

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Mommy needs to help the villagers build roads, so she can't be there for her son.

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Mommy may not be able to come home for Chinese New Year.

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Sun Hao Yang plays a "piano" while his sister gives him some news.

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When Sun Hao Yang is bullied by a student at the studio, the young girl stands up for him.

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Children thank the country for their charitable efforts.

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A highlight of Chinese food markets is the large amount of fresh, delicious, and affordable fruit. Check out this video and learn how to buy fruit in China!

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Pick up some tips on how to make Internet friends – or more – in Chinese.

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A young man discusses what it means to be happy in the context of living in a big city and with a high-stress job.

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Three people discuss the the meaning of happiness. For some it's living a good life and flourishing; for others it's the little things.

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Exercising is a very important part of life at any age.

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Exercising is about cultivating one's body as well as mind.

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Cutie pie Wang You Han went viral after his parents posted photos of him on Weibo. Let's take a look at this new fashion icon.

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Why is it so hard to love oneself? The reason might start with the term itself.

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There is an underlying message of putting others first that is inherent in the concept of self-love.

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We can't truly love others until we love ourselves. So, how do we accomplish that?

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