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Learn the story of Bole and the idiom derived from his tale.

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Find out how a passage from Cao Pi inspired the saying "to draw cakes to allay hunger" (To comfort oneself with illusions).

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Ever wonder what the origins of the Qingming Festival are? This video explains the stories and significance of the traditional holiday and the many ways it is celebrated.

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Qingming Festival is an opportunity for celebrants to remember and honor their ancestors or loved ones at their graves.

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Many people are aware of the Western philosopher, Voltaire, but behind his famous quotes are the genius of a great Chinese thinker.

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China is now an economic superpower, setting off a "Chinese Fever" that is now spreading all over the world.

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It is becoming an increasing trend for schools to offer Chinese programs. Why are so many people turning to Chinese?

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The growing strength of China as an economic superpower is both a source of awe and concern for other countries.

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Professor Cecilia Lindqvist sets out to understand Chinese people through Chinese characters.

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During the Ming Dynasty, the Chinese made the voyage across the Western Pacific. But, why was the feat not acknowledged in history?

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The quest to discover Asia did not stop with Columbus. What has drawn other countries to China?

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The popularity of Christianity came to a peak during Matteo Ricci's time in China, but after his death, the Qing Dynasty vehemently opposed its practice in China.

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Zamenhof had a plan to create a world language, an ambitious plan thwarted by the innate quality of language itself.

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In 1870, Horace Carpentier hired a loyal servant from China named Dean Lung who would eventually come to teach him a lesson in loyalty and devotion rooted in Chinese culture.

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Dean Lung, believing more people should understand China, made a great contribution to Columbia University.

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A strange tale begins when a fight breaks out on a bus between an old man who lifts up a young woman's skirt and her boyfriend. When the old man begins foaming at the mouth, things get pretty weird...

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We're transported back in time by the old man's memories told as a quirky, old-time style short called "Father," which depicts a sweet relationship between a heroic policeman and his daughter.

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Time skips forward a decade to the Reform and Opening Era in this segment. The father struggles to find romance and raise his 16-year-old daughter.

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Things get dark as the father discovers his daughter has been getting too close to a boy. But his anger quickly turns to remorse when she responds badly to his punishment.

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A father fights with his daughter because she thinks he's getting older and neglecting to take care of himself properly. Then, after an awkward moment on a bus, the father decides to run off.

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A daughter leads a lonely and miserable life, sexually harassed by her boss and missing her dad. However, meeting someone could bring a new light into her life and bring her and her father closer once more.

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The meeting between the girl's father and the girl's new boyfriend doesn't go as expected. Everything turns out more complicated than planned and the lunch ends with everyone unhappy.

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The girl's father is brutally attacked, leaving him with serious brain damage and memory loss.

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