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This video concerns one of the stories from the very famous Chinese novel, "Journey to the West." It informs us from where the idiom, "to wolf down your food," originates.

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This Chinese legend sheds light on the origin of the famous saying, "How you treat others is how you will be treated." It involves the famous and influential Chinese philosopher, Mencius, giving sage advice to a king during the Warring States period.

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Learn the story behind the saying, "To kill two birds with one stone."

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Learn the story of Bole and the idiom derived from his tale.

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Find out how a passage from Cao Pi inspired the saying "to draw cakes to allay hunger" (To comfort oneself with illusions).

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Why is it that some elderly folk have "hearts of innocence."

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Every person’s life was changed in July of 1937.

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During the Second Sino-Japanese War between China and Japan in 1937, three of China's universities merged to form the National Southwestern Associated University.

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On May 4, 1938, the Southwest Associated University officially opened. It was a truly historic moment.

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After the establishment of New China in 1949, many graduates of the Southwestern Associated University studied abroad but then returned to support their home country.

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The stories of the people are national treasures.

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A strange tale begins when a fight breaks out on a bus between an old man who lifts up a young woman's skirt and her boyfriend. When the old man begins foaming at the mouth, things get pretty weird...

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We're transported back in time by the old man's memories told as a quirky, old-time style short called "Father," which depicts a sweet relationship between a heroic policeman and his daughter.

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Time skips forward a decade to the Reform and Opening Era in this segment. The father struggles to find romance and raise his 16-year-old daughter.

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Things get dark as the father discovers his daughter has been getting too close to a boy. But his anger quickly turns to remorse when she responds badly to his punishment.

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A father fights with his daughter because she thinks he's getting older and neglecting to take care of himself properly. Then, after an awkward moment on a bus, the father decides to run off.

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A daughter leads a lonely and miserable life, sexually harassed by her boss and missing her dad. However, meeting someone could bring a new light into her life and bring her and her father closer once more.

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The meeting between the girl's father and the girl's new boyfriend doesn't go as expected. Everything turns out more complicated than planned and the lunch ends with everyone unhappy.

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The girl's father is brutally attacked, leaving him with serious brain damage and memory loss.

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Yan Yan reveals she will marry Xiao Li with little reaction from her father.

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In the midst of Yan Yan's wedding, her father's memory suddenly returns!

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Yan Yan's father holds his daughter's hand to walk her down the aisle, but is he ready to give her away?

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Niu talks about her memories of growing up in a small town with her older brother and his best friend.

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Niu explains how her brother, Dun, and "Four Eyes" started to get hooked on video games.

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