Showing 192 of 210 videos
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How do we know if a tea is high-quality or not?

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What is the mountain tea fields problem?

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How do we categorize the different tea sources?

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What are the best conditions for producing rock tea?

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What kinds of things are important in tea plantations?

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How does soil quality affect the quality of the tea?

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How would one describe the flavor of Zhengyan tea?

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Why do we use different terms when talking about Wuyi Rock Tea?

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Shui Xian tea is highly regarded by tea enthusiasts. Find out why.

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The truly authentic Da Hong Pao are grown on a Jiulong Ke rocky cliff of the Wuyi Mountain scenic area.

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Why is purebred Da Hong Pao so hard to come by?

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What is truly important when selecting a tea?

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Experts explain what foods can help us keep warm in the winter and which may cause excessive heat.

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In this video, we meet Andrew, a specialist in vegetarian living who describes his process for living a simple and healthy life.

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Master Andrew explains why digestion is so important to one's health.

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Andrew, our health guru, explains why we shouldn't over emphasize the use of proteins in our diet.

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A doctor from a health clinic tells how he would rather have patience think about preventative care than treat people who are already sick. The key to curing disease is our good habits.

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Health professionals explain that meat may have protein, but vegetables have it all. Processed foods should be avoided, and considering the season in which the fruit is ripe has better yields.

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In this video the professionals move on to talking about how exercise, even just a little bit of movement a day, can keep you healthier and happier.

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This video discusses how to comprehensively create strong and lasting habits to maintain your health.

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We hear from another expert about how we can eat different types of grains and vegetables to make healthier choices.

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Our food researcher shares her knowledge about why eating too much protein is unnecessary and possibly harmful to our bodies.

Showing 192 of 210 videos
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