Showing 72 of 77 videos
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This method not only brings financial help to the villagers, it also helps them mentally by bringing a sense of purpose to their lives.

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Although it was hard at first, the girls managed to help the villagers with their hard work.

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These young people have not only helped those in poverty, but have helped people to fulfill their dreams as well.

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In addition to hard work, new concepts and thinking also play important roles in making concrete improvements.

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Designs are fascinating in that each individual might interpret them in his or her own way. How would you brand yourself?

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The purpose of design is to make people's lives easier and happier. Which design do you like best?

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Our society is full of smaller systems that help us function as a whole.

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To create social innovation, everyone must work together.

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How does a headhunting company work in China? What is the process? Find out here.

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Although many people aren't aware of it, China's deaf-mute community is actually quite large. To attend to their needs, a special workshop was established.

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The workshop enables these members of the deaf-mute community to earn money through their work as well as expressing themselves through their crafts.

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No longer outcasts, through the studio, they are able to adapt to the real world and become a part of society.

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This video talks about how wasteful it can be to shop excessively on Singles day. Not only do you not need so much stuff, it can be harmful to the environment.

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With an increasingly affluent population, more and more people in China are donating to NGOs or public welfare organizations. Where does the money go and what can be done to improve transparency in China's burgeoning NGO sector? Learn more in this informative video.

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November's economic data was released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China this morning including the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Producer Price Index (PPI) as well as data about investment, consumption and other important indicators.

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A weather forecast from Japan's NHK 8 channel that involves heavy snow, a storm and possible tornadoes. Watch the video and learn some useful weather terms.

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Find out how much would the bank charge for 5 cents loan for 5 years.

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Lodging a complaint: Is it a new way to avoid paying bank fees?

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This informative video talks about the public launch of a new type of credit card designed specifically for business travelers.

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Wealthy Chinese are notoriously fond of buying property overseas and of sending their kids to university abroad. The mother in this news story is an extreme example of these two trends.

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Delayed retirement is set to become a trend in China. But what factors need to be considered?

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E-commerce is a rapidly growing sector of the Chinese economy as consumers increasingly turn to the internet to find cheap goods. Now, the government wants to start taxing the sector, which businesses say means prices will increase.

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Find out some tricks that pharmacies utilize to try to sell medicine.

Showing 72 of 77 videos
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