Showing 264 of 388 videos
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The winter has passed and Jianghan Road is showing signs of returning to business, but many simple services, like takeout delivery, are not yet operational.

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Our host will remember this exceptional meal forever, and not because of the food.

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An outside meal was hard to find during the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan.

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Like the people of Wuhan, the Yellow Crane Tower has withstood the greatest challenges time has delivered.

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Medical workers come to the Yangtze River Bridge to take in the sights after a long day's work.

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This is an advertisement for the lighting company, OPPLE, and how they can transform a dreary child's bedroom into a fairytale land through the ingenious use of lighting. Part 1 of 2.

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This is an advertisement for the lighting company, OPPLE, and how they can transform a dreary child's bedroom into a fairytale land through the ingenious use of lighting. Part 2 of 2.

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A Taiwanese woman flies halfway across the world to see her new granddaughter. Unable to speak English and with Chinese medicine that gets confiscated by police, her determination is put to the test.

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Sparked by the death of their friend, a group of old men decide to start truly living life by going on a motorcycle trip around Taiwan. But will their frail bodies be up for the challenge?

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Have you ever thought about spending all those years to get a PhD only to become a farmer?

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The concept of farming in China is quite different than farming in America.

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It's the direction that matters, so don't speed through things. Take them step by step and enjoy the process.

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This tells the story of how the ancestor of the Han Chinese, the Yellow Emperor, established the custom of marriage and honeymoons in China thousands of years ago, uniting tribes and bringing communal marriage to an end. Part 1 of 5.

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This tells the story of how the ancestor of the Han Chinese, the Yellow Emperor, established the custom of marriage and honeymoons in China thousands of years ago, thus bringing communal marriage to an end. Part 2 of 5.

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This tells the story of how the ancestor of the Han Chinese, the Yellow Emperor, established the custom of marriage and honeymoons in China thousands of years ago, thus bringing communal marriage to an end. However, it was initially met with resistance. Part 3 of 5.

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This tells the story of how the Yellow Emperor's idea to end communal marriage was initially met with resistance and how one couple decided to flee instead of live a life of monogamy. However, after becoming lost in a huge forest, they found they had to rely on each other to survive. Part 4 of 5.

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This tells the story of how a young couple struggled to survive in the forest after fleeing a life of monogamy. However, after discovering honey and relying on each other for survival, they soon understood what true love was and lived a happy life together. It is said to be part of the history of Chinese wedding and honeymoon customs. Part 5 of 5.

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Why is it that some elderly folk have "hearts of innocence."

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Every person’s life was changed in July of 1937.

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During the Second Sino-Japanese War between China and Japan in 1937, three of China's universities merged to form the National Southwestern Associated University.

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On May 4, 1938, the Southwest Associated University officially opened. It was a truly historic moment.

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After the establishment of New China in 1949, many graduates of the Southwestern Associated University studied abroad but then returned to support their home country.

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The stories of the people are national treasures.

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