Showing 144 of 183 videos
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Kim is excited the transformer he was watching on online just sold for a big price. He is even more excited to share this good news with Evonne.

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Zhang Xiaofei has everything she needs except for a boyfriend. In this video we meet a potential boyfriend candidate.

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Zhang Xiaofei and her super rich eligible bachelor get to know each other. He's super rich and gives her a gift she can't accept.

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In this installment we find out that the rich suitor may not actually be as rich as he claims.

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Miss Zhang encounters a second suitor who seems equally inept.

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The second suitor isn't a good match either because he has a strange educational background and strange superstitions.

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Xiao Fei gives suitor number 2 an ultimatum and he fails miserably

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Just as Xiaofei is calling the dating service, an old friend walks into the cafe who intrigues her.

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Xiaofei finds out that this man of her dreams from her past is either crazy, or running a scam.

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In the end Xiaofei didn't find a man, but she will keep looking and won't date the creepy host guy.

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difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate
China Northeastern

Commercials Skoda

A funny ŠKODA advertising with a play on words. Watch and see if you can find the puns.

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Is it possible to be too handsome? It just may be. In this humorous short, learn how being overconfident can lead to some pretty hilarious misunderstandings!

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Bizz Gates has a new invention to show off, but once again, it's no ordinary device. Watch this humorous video and find out what this magic spray can do!

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A suspicious husband reads his wife's text message. Is it a harmless message or a code for something naughty? Watch and decide for yourself!

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A bunch of guys running around town lost and picking on the locals... what's their deal? Watch this humorous short and find out!

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However, sometimes the truth won't get us very far either.

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What happens when a Chinese film director meets a foreign actor (David Moser of the University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies and the author of "Why Chinese Is So Damn Hard")? Watch and learn how hard it is to play a role in a Chinese film.

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What does "Cai Mi" get? Watch and find out who will get the money in the end.

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In this comedy sketch, two actors argue over who has the lead role.

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In this comedy sketch, two actors argue over who has the lead role.

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In this comedy sketch, two actors argue over who has the lead role.

Showing 144 of 183 videos
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